Ranked Matchmaking is awful this reset


New member
Since 11/5/2024 Ranked Week 3 has been the worst matchmaking I have ever had.
I have played 20 games so far and 16 of them have had Archon & Emissary in them when I am Phantom.
Only 4 games have been high skill games with phantom+
Almost every single game out of these 16 games with low rank I have a team that does not group up. Does not speak. Tries to 1v6 consistently.
Every one of the 16 games I have a teammate go 0 kills ~10 deaths within 15 minutes.
6 of those 16 games I have a teammate leave at some point in the game or afk because they think its gg.

How is it that the first 2 weeks of ranked are great and people know how to play the game and communicate and understand because it's 140k souls to 150k souls its not over..? Yet this week Phantom rank feels awful. Absolutely the worst time I have had playing this game since I started. Game after game it's the same thing.
It does not matter if I go 15-1 by 20 minutes. Every game someone gives up or afks or team refuses to group up or farms jungle while our base is sieged.

Wtf happened? Will this be fixed? Why am I Phantom and being placed with people 2-3 ranks below me? Only 20% of my games have been Phantom+/Oracle6
First game today, same thing. All archons and wraith on my team 0-8 by minute 10.
fix this awful match making. making me want to quit the game
That's because if you look at the Forums, there's about 200 people comm banned just on the forums, which means in reality it's way more. So you are stuck with the people who spend more time worrying about reporting you for saying "gg ez" rather than improving.
I thinks that's the point. The better you're the worse are allies. Just a guess, you had a good winrate before this update ye?
63% winrate 200+ games. This week is the only week its been this bad.
2nd game played. Same thing. All archons and Emissary. This one had people just flaming each other all game and a dynamo on my team who goes 1-8 and used ult maybe 2 times in a 40 minute game. Feels like uninstall is happening soon. Makes no sense to do this to ranked when it specifically said you would queue with people your ranked. Make it people my fucking rank idc if i have to wait 5 minutes or whatever. Its better than playing in this dogshit elo where people have no clue what to do and just play entirely different. Its like going from solid good team play in phantom, to everyone thinks they can 1v6 archon/emissary. every damn game. fix this shit
when is this shit going to get fixed? 2 weeks straight every ranked game is the same thing. no people on my team my rank. every game someone going 0-10 within 10 minutes. going to stop playing until this is addressed. whatever you guys did to matchmaking a few weeks ago ruined it.
Phantom 1 to Archon 1... still same type of games but you put me lower rank now.
3 games so far this week. first 2 games have people go 0-10 within 10 minutes.
3rd game have leaver at 15 min mark. horrible matchmaking
Got demoted from oracle 1 to emisary 6. Teammates with 0 comms most of the time, 0 team fights, a lot of rage quitters and whiners. Last night I got vindicta that had 8k farm @ 12 min ... and she wasn't getting stomped. Next team, 3 of us in their base getting shrines, two of our players doing RP at mid (ivy & vindicta), while pocket is farming our jungle ..
I have no idea what goes into calculating mmr and distributing ranks but this is messed up big time! I'm aware I'm not eternus player but this is just oof
Yeah they just killed any reason to play the mode
This is fucked, never wanna touch Ranked again if it's gonna be like it has these past 2 days