Ranked Badge , am i being griefed?

Look i'm not a grand master, but to be placed initiate 3 2 weeks in a row has got me wanting to set down deadlock for a while. ive got 200 hrs in the past month and a bit. I'm consistently placing either top spot or second or honourable mentions in terms of award tags at end match scoreboard. My ranked matches are consistently filled with people leaving or super bad players and idk how i over the 14games first week and 21 ranked games the second week i have managed to not even move a position.

When going over match history and comparing game-play from week1 to week2 not only did i see a constant rise in souls per min, but in KDA increase flat out and massive jumps in player and objective damage.

I maybe played casual lobby's for about 2 weeks or so, roughly 55-60 matches prior to release of ranked, and the first 10-20 were definitely riding the learning curve but i mean at this point now, having consistent games even when losing lane being able to come back from 0/3/1 in lane to a counter and end with 15/6/18 with most obj damage and player dmg etc etc.

How and in what world does my absolutely crystal clear skill increase in just the short time-frame of ranked weed 1 and the following week, have 0 effect on my ranked placement. I've never left a match that wasn't flagged safe to do so(often times i stay back in the game and ride the match out, sometimes clutching 4v6's thanks to this games sick comeback mechanics. But to be told that even though i'm performing in the top area of my player pool that its still subpar and belonging in the small garbage category of initiate 3. where just the LITERAL bottom 1% of players are categorized. there's 1000 people in INI-3 as of week 1 stats, who the fk do i need to 1v1 in lane to get a proper fucking skill assessment. =\

200 hrs no joke. i love this game, shits amazing. But to be insulted twice in a row is insane. i've watched people who are absolutely garbage at this game catch higher placements. that's insane. Yes i'm triggered and Yes i understand that voicing myself here isnt going to get me reevaluated or by any means help my situation, in fact i'm almost contemplating not hitting post thread here. Look if the placement i'm stuck in wasnt full of people still leaving, people queueing up 3 heros and only knowing how to play the 1 so when they dont get their only known champ they throw so hard (90%) of the time ive personally experienced, if it wasnt for that chunk of the playerbase getting leaped in down here i wouldnt be as upset, but when i have to transition from casual games where i still in 200 hrs havent played 3 matches in a row without a leaver, to ranked games where if i am absolutely fucking beyond lucky i can get atleast 2 players on my team that understand enough of whats going on that we can atleast pose somewhat of a comeback threat.

idk im fucking pissed this is bullshit and i dont wanna stop playing cause i love the game but the game is griefing me, how the fuck do i not even move up or down a rank. absolute garbage.

TL;DR Ranked placement from week1 to week 2 didnt change, still stuck in Iniate 3 although clearly skill level does not reflect said rank. Brutal
Here i found his amtch for You :)


Going to watch -> match level

aaaach too old :/

I have about 400 hours of gameplay. I make videos for YT offering tips on everything I learn. I watch matches within the game, I watch them on Twitch and YouTube.
I checked sites like https://deadlocktracker.gg and https://tracklock.gg to see the stats of the top players to learn what I'm doing wrong.
I have already concluded that ranking is not a priority for developers at the moment. And it's not simply a lack of guidance where we don't know how our performance is evaluated (I don't know if it's better to try to save the match by buying items that will help the team or try to improve my individual performance by buying items that will help me score more points). even if it means losing the match).
Several high level players are just average, but they played together with old players and received their MMR.
Therefore, they play ranked matches with others with high MMR.
Within all MMR there are good and bad players, it is not a ranking of superiority. 100 matches between teams made up only of Oracle level players against players only of Ritualist level will not have a guaranteed result.
MMR is just a rating we receive, especially considering who we start playing with.

I played 3 ranked games yesterday. In none of them did my team seem to have the slightest chance.


The game is interesting, the mechanics are cool, the potential seems to be huge but the ranking system doesn't exist yet.
I believe they are putting efforts into other areas of development and did something very simple and superficial for the ranking. I can lose 5 games in a row even though I'm always among the best on my team (in damage and souls).

If you accept a suggestion from me, don't pay any attention to it.


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What the frick man, I want to be placed in the initiate rank, so I can learn other heroes and practice my aim to be better, I shit at aiming, yet I lost 5 times and 2 win only this week but they still put me in oracle rank, life is so unfair.
What the frick man, I want to be placed in the initiate rank, so I can learn other heroes and practice my aim to be better, I shit at aiming, yet I lost 5 times and 2 win only this week but they still put me in oracle rank, life is so unfair.
Are you talking about ranked or casual matches? In one of them I want to know my best performance and in the other I want to practice new moves. It's not the same thing.
Are you talking about ranked or casual matches? In one of them I want to know my best performance and in the other I want to practice new moves. It's not the same thing.
Ranked, and standard matches put you against people nearby your rank.

So not a lot difference in both
Well, interesting. I believe you won't have any problems finding players with different performance regardless of their rank. It's not based on how good you play.

Yeah, but I prefer placed in initiate rank still, so I can play with my friend and brag that I'm in the 5% club too, also Its practical because I can practice other hero that im shit on.
Yeah, but I prefer placed in initiate rank still, so I can play with my friend and brag that I'm in the 5% club too, also Its practical because I can practice other hero that im shit on.
The game still doesn't work that way. Beginner level players are not necessarily beginners and advanced level players are not necessarily advanced.
It is possible to lose more than you win and have a high level of ranking.

Maybe it's better explained here: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/threads/transparency-in-the-ranked-system.40656/
The game still doesn't work that way. Beginner level players are not necessarily beginners and advanced level players are not necessarily advanced.
It is possible to lose more than you win and have a high level of ranking.

Maybe it's better explained here: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/threads/transparency-in-the-ranked-system.40656/
How can you be so sure? Do you have valve leaked code on how ranking given?

Can yoshi confirm this?

Why do I still have skill gap warning then when I play with my friend...

If that's true, then I want eternus rank instead, cause being in the 0,01% club is better than 5% club for bragging right, people on eternus is shit anyway, right mr.mmr05?
How can you be so sure? Do you have valve leaked code on how ranking given?

Can yoshi confirm this?

You can use websites that follow players' matches and see their history. There is also the ID to open the match within the game and check the individual performance.


We have no information confirming anything. We have examples of players who lose and level up and players who win and stay the same or even drop in level. New players who only have losses received Phantom while others with better performance and experience are on Ritualist.

The ranking system does not reflect the performance of the players, whether collective or individual.
View attachment 27349

You can use websites that follow players' matches and see their history. There is also the ID to open the match within the game and check the individual performance.


We have no information confirming anything. We have examples of players who lose and level up and players who win and stay the same or even drop in level. New players who only have losses received Phantom while others with better performance and experience are on Ritualist.

The ranking system does not reflect the performance of the players, whether collective or individual.
Thanks for the information, ngl it is pretty weird that I lose more in ranked, expect to get alchemist or worse, yet landed on oracle.

So rank badge is pretty much a lottery and have no correlation with the skill, so eternus player can be a veeery bad player but lucky in the rank lottery and get handed them a 0,01% top player bragging right.

Thanks again for the info.

I still want to get initiate rank tho :(
Thanks for the information, ngl it is pretty weird that I lose more in ranked, expect to get alchemist or worse, yet landed on oracle.

So rank badge is pretty much a lottery and have no correlation with the skill, so eternus player can be a veeery bad player but lucky in the rank lottery and get handed them a 0,01% top player bragging right.

Thanks again for the info.

I still want to get initiate rank tho :(
You need a new account. And don't play with any of your friends.

You will be defined as a beginner and even if you play as a professional you will not be reassigned to higher levels. It is important that you play alone to achieve this, leave an exclusive account to play with your friends and another that you want to keep as a beginner.

You will make it! 🤞 :) (y)