

Ability 1- Is a world effect, he creates another lines of rail from mid boss toward to east or west depending on his starting "lines". This line is accessible to the enemies if they destroy the "control tower".

Ability 2- A passive allowing Railmaster to travel on any lines despite the lines being inactive or occupied by oppositions. While traveling on active line belong to his team, he continuously cycle between 4 power which he can choose from and activate as he steps away from the zip lines.

Ultimate- Global. Normal click to use on ally, Railmaster drags them toward along the rail lines toward the base. When use on enemy by middle clicking, they will be dragged toward their patron thru the rail lines.

cannot think of suitable abilty 3.


Ability1 Extra Lines​

Level 1 will create either to the west or to the east.

note: this lines will bring you to the outside away from mid boss.

level 1bbb.pnglevel 1a.png

Level 2 extends to the opposite. If level 1 is west, level 2 will extend to the east and vice versa.

Level 3 Now the lines loops, allowing you to travel toward mid and now always drop you at mid.

Level 4 (final) Extend Deeper into enemy territory and no longer(force) drop you at mid unless the deep line is inactive.

final level.png

Enemy only need to destroy one of the control tower to gain access to this lines. When 1 or more control tower destroyed, the deeper access toward enemy territory is blocked and is considered inactive. However with Railmaster passive, he can still access them. Below is the position of Control Towers.
control tower position.png Railmaster and his allies can heal/repair the tower by melee-ing , cost souls per hit. Railmaster's more efficient.

Ability 2 Zipline Overcharge​

The color cycle from yellow > orange > blue > purple; start from respective color of the lines ur zippin.

Level 1- 2 power to choose from, yellow or purple. Normal Click locks the power, get off the lines and touch down anywhere activates the power.

Level 2- Another 2 power, blue and orange. Blue power activates instantly upon locking.

Level 3- Have 2 charges.

Level 4- Better scaling.


  • Yellow - your next normal melee cannot be parried, deals damage surround you require no target.
  • Purple - you deals spirit dmg in aoe for next 7 seconds.
  • Blue - turn invisible 7m spot range in rail 18m on ground, last 10sec off rails.
  • Orange - your bullet deal extra spirit damage and passively regain 2 ammo per sec for the next 6 seconds.

maybe level 4 let you overcharge on an inactive rail-line giving Red Power? Return fire for 20% both bullet and spirit damage?