quick cast option


New member
Hello, is it possible to enable quickcast in future in options?

For exaple it would be helpfull for Wraith and her ultimate(telekinesis), where u need to press ult buttun, then left click on enemy. And it would be okay if its skill where you need aim to hit the target, but its anyway used to "closest" enemy no matter where your crosshair at. even if enemy he behind your back, ultimate still target this enemy

So would be greate, if there would be quickcast option, and skills like this would cast by using its button, without literally useless left mous click

also would be amazing if active items will quickcast. for example some active items whih grant you shield. its so strange you need to use item, and then left\right\middle click
let us use active items for ourself if there is no any teammate close. its really annoing when you want heal urself on lane(1vs1), and its ask "maybe you want heal ur teammate?"
or just let us use items for ourself with left click, and not middle one