Quick Buy will lock you in "Select Item to Sell" screen when all your slots are full and you have a lot of items and flex slots


New member
If you have an item on Quick Buy and then enter the range of a shop, while also having enough items in the Quick Buy item's category such that you must sell an item to make space for it, AND you have enough of those items to have 3 rows of items displayed to choose one to sell, you will be unable to click the "Sell" button after selecting an item as the mouse will prioritize hovering over your abilities instead of allowing you to click the Sell button. I found this will happen if you have at least 3 flex slots available.

Cannot reproduce this in Sandbox since Quick Buy doesn't seem to register there as you can buy anywhere. But using the kingme cheat in a private game, I reproduced this reliably by unlocking 3 flex slots, buying 7 Weapon items and then 4 Vitality items, and while standing away from the shop, setting either a Weapon or Vitality item to Quick Buy. Once I walked up to the shop, the bug happened and I could not click the Sell button.

Workaround for this is, while in range of the shop, mashing Esc on my keyboard and "B" to open the shop eventually got the shop screen to open so I could click the "Sell" button. Seems like with the shop menu open, since your ability icons are collapsed/hidden, you can interact with the Sell button correctly.