Psychic/Telekinetic, High risk high reward.


This character is all about anticipating enemy players movement and positioning. Outplaying the enemy when you predict their movement with control skills and well aimed headshots, and being punished for running out of breath and overestimating yourself. Strike when the time is right, and dont let the enemy push you into a corner.

Weapon; Semi automatic rife, slow firerate, high damage. (Clipsize ~7-10)
About 1/3th Vindicta's firerate, slower firerate than Abrams, high damage 40-50.
Health: Average
Move Speed; Base 5,5m/s, 3 Stamina.


1. Telekinetic Orb (2 charges, lifetime 5 seconds, no charge delay between orbs, ~30-40 sec cooldown for each charge)
You create an orb of force within range on your crosshair that follows where you aim with a short delay. The orb pushes enemies that it hits allowing you to push enemies out of cover or away from you.
The orb hovers slightly above the ground and moves up or down elevations.
Alternative; Press 1 again to mark the ground, the orb moves there.
+1 Increases the orbs lifetime +2 seconds
+2 +1 charge, increases orb size by 20%
+3 Adds damage to the orb when it hits an enemy, scales with Spirit.
(~50 base damage, 0.5 second cooldown on the same target)

2. Mindgames (Duration 15 seconds, cooldown ~60 second or more)
Empowers your rifle with Spirit, making precision shots hurt more. Shots deal Spirit damage plus additional damage on headshots (+30%)
+1 Reload the weapon with telekinesis (no weapon reload time)
Alternative; Using telekinesis you instantly reload any bullet you shoot.
+2 +20% firerate, plus additional headshot damage (+60% total)
+3 Headshot damage bonus also applies to weapon damage (+60%)

3. Windwalk (passive)
Lightening your body with force of will allows you to move faster and further. +2 Stamina.
+1 Jump hight and dash distance increases +30%
+2 Slide and slide-jump distance increases +30%
+3 +1m/s move speed, +3m/s run speed.

4. Calculated Strike -Ultimate (3 charges, 5 second channel, ~120 sec cooldown per charge)
You fly 2 meters up in the air, or maintain your hight when airborn.
Selecting targets for your shots that get released in order of selection, you can select a target multiple times.
After channeling is finished, or when 10 seconds have passed. Selected targets will be shot at in order of selection, dealing spirit damage when they dont find cover. Other players and minnions can block the shots, taking the damage instead.
+1 Damage resistance when channeling +30% bullet/spirit resist.
+2 +X Spirit damage
+3 +2 charges

This character is all about going into combat with a plan, and having the resources and escape route to come out alive if you did not finish your targets. Having to balance using dashes to outmaneuver enemy players, while keeping enough to get out of dodge way. Limited clipsize means making every shot count.

For Item built options you can either lean heavy into the strenghts and weaknesses of the character, further increasing your headshot and alpha damage, or you can try to mitigate by getting firerate and clipsize at the cost of damage potential. Getting more charges for calculated strike means more damage potential, but also means you are in your ultimate longer and can get shut down before it finishes. Getting movement items means giving up on defence or hitpoints, while making the character more tanky means you might get cornered by the enemy.

I build this character concept with the intention of the player having to read the team they are up against, and building accordingly. Decide carefuly what risks you can get away with and how to best outplay your enemy.

I did not specify this beond stats numbers so wanted to explain part of the concept a bit better.

This character has a base movement speed of 5,5m/sec That is the lowest in the game currently. Other slow characters have 6, and fast ones have 8-9m/sec. This means you have to use your Stamina smart, and predict enemy movement so you dont get stuck/pincered.
After putting one or more points into Windwalk this character has a base stamina of 5 giving the option for attacks using dashes to close the gap towards your target.
However with the limited base movement speed and Stamina being a resource you use up, you have to take into account how you get in and out. This is part of the main gameplay of this characters concept, having to weigh the resources you have and how and when to use them.

Predicting when you can get away with using all your stamina for a dash to an enemy in order to take them out, and deciding when you need 1-2 stamina left to get out of dodge way.
Is the basis of the high risk high reward strategy this character offers.