Preorder items while on rail


When on the rail heading back towards the base, I feel like there should be an option to pick items you wish to preorder so they are immediately purchased upon arrival to the shop. There is a lot of downtime currently while on the rail (if you don't have boost up) so it would help the overall flow of the game feel smoother.
yes i also think this is a good idea :)

also implementing the sound when you have enough money to buy whatever is in your quickbuy (like how it is in dota!)

maybe dont have it AUTOMATICALLY buy the item, but just adding it to a list and then using quickbuy hotkey would be awesome
It would be nice to have a stash style system like in Dota. This would allow you to purchase to your stash from anywhere and also allow you to swap items out, instead of being forced to sell them. Occasionally an item may be low priority at a certain point in a game, but have an upgrade on a higher tier that makes it worth keeping and not losing the 50% of it's cost.
yes i also think this is a good idea :)

also implementing the sound when you have enough money to buy whatever is in your quickbuy (like how it is in dota!)

maybe dont have it AUTOMATICALLY buy the item, but just adding it to a list and then using quickbuy hotkey would be awesome
This, I would really like a system similar to Dota where you could queue what you want to buy next. Like yev said, doesn't even need to auto buy it for you.
  • Have a tiny or small 'bar' slide out from the bottom right/left corner of the screen (ideally, make which side of the screen it's on configurable).
  • The bar has an arrow/chevron on the end, hitting a hotkey makes it collapse/expand.
  • The hotkey would enable the mouse while the quick buy bar is open. Someone shouldn't be opening the quick buy menu mid-fight/not near a shop (in the same way they wouldn't open the shop in the middle of the lane).
  • That 'bar' holds the icons of the queued items, each icon/box is outlined by a thin red (not enough souls), yellow (enough souls to buy but not in shop range), or green (enough souls to buy and in shop range) line.
  • Hit the hotkey to expand the 'item queue', right click the item to buy (assuming you have the souls), and then hit the hotkey again to collapse the item queue when you're done.
Just some ideas!
Excellent idea! to add to this, I think there should be a unique "purchase ready" sound and highlight for when an upgrade to an item you already own is available. Say you have Extra Stamina, and suddenly you hit $3000 souls, the item in your inventory would have a highlight around it and play a small sound to indicate that it can be upgraded to Improved Stamina, and then you can just right click it to automatically drop it into your quick buy so it's ready to go when you get back to the shop.
It would be good if temporary souls (farming camps, melee machines, et al.) were unavailable for using to buy until you reached the shop to prevent people from buying items with the temporary souls while returning to base/shop.

As a separate thought (maybe for a different thread) it would also be nice you could buy items and have them delivered along the rail to your lane (maybe a special minion/crate that you shoot to collect the item)?
I would love it. If not implemented, let us have quickbuy like in dota so it would be easier to pin your item when you are dead, to see when you have enough and to buy it with a single button press.
Do the shops in the lane not provide all the items? There are also underground shops on each side that stay open as well. You shouldn't have to go back to base super often unless you lose your first tower early.
Do the shops in the lane not provide all the items? There are also underground shops on each side that stay open as well. You shouldn't have to go back to base super often unless you lose your first tower early.
All the shops do provide all the items, but I think the general thought here is that if you're on the rail/zipline and you're backing to get items and regen health and you don't have rail boost, being able to set up a quick buy queue makes any idle time more efficient
All the shops do provide all the items, but I think the general thought here is that if you're on the rail/zipline and you're backing to get items and regen health and you don't have rail boost, being able to set up a quick buy queue makes any idle time more efficient
I can see now why the argument is being made. However, if you are going back to base to regen, there will be a small bit of downtime for you to buy what you need to before getting back on the rail. I think a lot of it has to do with unfamiliarity with the items/builds/characters and thus everyone is taking a little more time to select what they want.

I also already think that it is too fast to rail back to base, regen and rail back to lane. The consequences are not heavy enough if your opponent is better than you. Adding a pre-buy, or quick buy option makes it that much faster to get back to lane.