potential paradox buffs(with explenation)


New member
as a current %44 win rate she clearly needs a major buff/quality of life change, from playing her and what others have said about her "it is like jumping through many hoops to secure a kill" so i figured id join the forum and give my input
add +1 to+1.5 sprint speed
pulse grenade changes: increase pulses by 1-2, make pulses go off ~%50 faster, adjust damage to compensate, remove the slow and add a mini time stop(like a non-charged kinetic carbine shot). also, each pulse very slightly nudges opponents towards the middle.

why?: paradox relies alot on the damage amp the nade provides, adding faster pulses increases the chances of getting a decent amp, as of her current state on fair grounds most players are able to dash out of her before it has landed and at latest by the 2nd pulse even landing her 3 u might only get 1 extra pulse onto your opponents, (the slight nudge every pulse is inspired by keeper of lights "Will-O-Wisp" from dota 2)

time wall changes: increase the the wall height by .5 and the width by 1,remove the lvl 1 talent and instead make it +1 charges, level 2: wall applies 2 second silence and 3: make it a cube(or something of that nature) giving it more sides to proc the damage with a good ult

why?: her wall is probably the best feeling ability in her kit balance wise but her current level 1 talent feels like a waste of potential at the moment

kinetic carbine changes: add the increased movement speed during the charge up time in addition to its current timing(fully charged), increase the base time stop by .25 making it a total of a 1.25 seconds vs the current 1.00 seconds, reduce full charge time by .5 seconds

why?:only gaining the move speed during the full charge can make it feel kinda clunky and can sometimes throw off your aim because if u are not paying attention to the meter u will suddenly get a burst of speed that can make u overstep your shot, and the stun increase is to make it feel better in combination with your pulse grenade and its use in general instead of just a damaging tool

paradoxical swap changes: add invincibility to you during the swap, give either damage reduction or a shield as well as slight cc reduction after the swap

why?:in a team game not being able to use your ult in a team fight feels very bad, but paradoxes current state if u ult successfully in a fight it is typically a 1 for 1, in worse cases a 0 for 1.inspired by vengeful spirit from dota 2, she has a form of protection post swap to give her the chance at survival and hers being an instant swap at that.