Pocket's kit is too synergetic

This is going to be a weird one to explain, but let me try. Pocket is essentially Venomancer combined with Puck from Dota 2 - making him an extremely synergetic hero. More so than either of the inspirations.

Unfortunately - kits (i.e. different abilities) being too synergetic can make characters very one-note. This is a prominent problem in League of Legends for example. It basically means that every ability follows from another in the same sequence - every single time. Pocket definitely has some options, but to me he's too one-note, and as a result I quite dislike his design. There are a few other heroes where I think this might be a problem, but Pocket is the worst offender.

I feel like optimally playing Pocket comes down to one, very straightforward combo: using Majestic Dive to engage, using Affliction on enemies, launching a coat, then waiting in the suitcase until the coat is at a suitable distance to launch Barrage from. This is a devastating combination of course - but it feels like this requires too many abilities - and the abilities are too "designed" around functioning in tandem, rather than shining on their own.

Similar to Puck, Pocket has little interest in building much in the way of defenses as he innately has a way to protect himself. Unfortunately this protection is again based on two abilities in tandem. Using coat offensively can be your demise very quickly in a dive-heavy game like Deadlock - and I have played against skilled opponents that immediately capitalize on the window of me having essentially no real escape. This is totally fine if it wasn't for the fact that this further limits Pocket's options playstyle wise.

He feels too reliant on doing the same two things over and over again every game. I have no immediate solution for this problem.
I disagree with this so much, and generally pocket is quite popular in the discord. This is definitely a niche view
Majestic Dive isn't the only item to engage with, you can also coat-blink in, then use metal skin or shroud + suitcase to survive until coat is off CD again.

As for pocket's playstyle - it does feel like a one-trick pony. Without his ult, pocket would be nothing.
Majestic Dive isn't the only item to engage with, you can also coat-blink in, then use metal skin or shroud + suitcase to survive until coat is off CD again.

As for pocket's playstyle - it does feel like a one-trick pony. Without his ult, pocket would be nothing.
Really? I disagree I guess, laning is great with him, and I don’t engage with coat I usually 1 and try to engage with team , 2 is my get out. I think his q is great for some long fight but I think it’s more of a side thing since his 1 2 3 is the mobility dive type guy
Are you actually trying to achieve anything here or are you just being snarky for the sake of it? This post clearly belongs here. The closest other subforum is Hero Feedback - and this could be categorized as either an idea or "feedback".
It's not snark: Valve's explicitly asked us to leave this sort of Hero-specific feedback in the Feedback forums because they don't want open discussions like this.


Please actually read and follow the testing instructions like you were supposed to and post this sort of feedback where it belongs.
It's not snark: Valve's explicitly asked us to leave this sort of Hero-specific feedback in the Feedback forums because they don't want open discussions like this.

View attachment 12858

Please actually read and follow the testing instructions like you were supposed to and post this sort of feedback where it belongs.
If he had actually responded in the way you have now, I would have. I disagree with Yoshi's take, but I suppose he wants a more quantative sort of feedback.
Pocket is fine IMO - not every hero needs to be a jack of all trades. His combo is super impactful and with good communication with your team he can turn around a teamfight.

The fact that he is built around one combo is supposed to be his weakness. You either pull off the combo and deal massive damage or you whiff it and die. You should be using items to off-set this weakenss.

This whole thread is a bit like complaining that Axe's kit is too synergistic in Dota 2. Axe is supposed to be a one trick pony.
i think he is okay as he is basically puck from dota
and using active items will make him be less reliant of his abilities

as an example in dota you can use eul(2 sec ? invulnerability) with puck to wait for the cd to ethereal shift(pocket suitcase)
we have an item like this in deadlock to, i dont remember the name as of now
if we mix the cd reduction with items that stall for time he compensates and changes
i believe he will not change much in the future
also nice pfp
careful, a cohesent hero design? o.O

they did a great job with the base lineup, think and hope there will be many many many other options to come after that.

Dota 2 also start with not many heroes. Yes they had more to copy, but for beginners its much more easier if we arent too fast in the 100+ anyway.

but i think it would be a great game to have many characters. some more versatile, some more streamlined.

this game is in the beginners stage.

once more meta arrives, alot of the heroes will feel much more streamligned anyway - just because of it.
careful, a cohesent hero design? o.O

they did a great job with the base lineup, think and hope there will be many many many other options to come after that.

Dota 2 also start with not many heroes. Yes they had more to copy, but for beginners its much more easier if we arent too fast in the 100+ anyway.

but i think it would be a great game to have many characters. some more versatile, some more streamlined.

this game is in the beginners stage.

once more meta arrives, alot of the heroes will feel much more streamligned anyway - just because of it.

Nothing you wrote convinced me in any way you read anything besides the title of the post.