Player (Player *number*)


New member
1st spell - Pitch
A stone which he will throw in the enemy (self aim (like bebops hook)). Will displace enemy a bit and stun them.
1st upgrade - more damage.
2nd upgrade - stun duration
3rd upgrade - reduce cooldown

2st spell - Penalty kick
Projectile which will auto aim onto enemy and will explode in a radius of 15 metres. Soul damage obviously
1st upgrade - reduce cooldown
2nd upgrade - more damage
3rd upgrade - greater radius

3rd (passive) spell - Homerun
Grants greater speed per enemy nearby
1st upgrade - more speed
2nd upgrade - ignores any debuffs per player nearby (if you have 3 debuffs, and 2 enemies nearby - the strongest debuff will affect you, other two - won't)
3rd upgrade - faster reload per player nearby

4th spell (ultimate) - Bowler
After a short transformation, will turn him into a giant ball, which will slow enemies and reduce their attack speed
1st upgrade - more damage.
2nd upgrade - faster cooldown
3rd upgrade - slowing duration and %
Ignoring debuffs is a lot. they could make it a ui to tell you but would create confusion about: my spell hit where's the effect, what is stronger? and items that proc item debuffs ( any with exposure for instance) perhaps i need the item effect to stick even like slowing hex. can create a lot of confusion and impossible counter play if healing debuffs are the lower priority.

penalty kick aoe needs to be smaller, its bigger than beepbop bomb for, im assuming as its a kick and its not literally beepbop bomb, with homing and damage on impact. that's just no counterplay. hide behind walls instant kick to a creep andhit you its like an unmissable grenade spell.

ult is viscous? 2 balls doesnt really seam apealing. its not particularly interesting to even make viscous this. unless its like katamari. that would be hilarious.

I like pitch. seams like a multiple sports athlete. which is cool but needs some better juice