Pin - The Bowler


New member
Word play on Pin from bowling and Pinning his targets with his Nail-Gun.
Construction worker who wants to become the best of bowling, doing anything in his way to win in it, including hunting his opponents before the match, cheating and dwelling in the dark magic. Maybe he can even have a some sort of magic cursed bowling ball that is alive, that would be cool.

His personality can be as assholly as Lash but more focused on bowling quotes and jokes.

With his left hand he holds his bowling ball and with the right he aims with his nail gun.
His game play is based on close quarters and playing on the ground, being weak to aerial heros and open spaces.
Being a poke champion from a distance but depending on the circunstances and the terrain he can burst enemies with good Strikes and Pined Downs.

1) Strike
Active -
Pin throws his ball which travels through the ground, bouncing on walls until it travelled its max distance.
While the ball is travelling, every enemy it kills increases it's momentum and distance, dealing more damage travelling futher faster.
If the ball returns to Pin it refunds a portion of the cooldown.
Hold down Right Trigger to make the ball slightly curve in its path.

2) Perfect Game
(A game of twelve consecutive strikes totalling 300 points.)
Passive -

For each enemy Pin eliminates it gains stack of Frame (1 per minion, 12 per hero) to a max of 300 each stack a very small amount (don't know the precise number) of all stats.
If Pin dies, it loses 50%(?) of frame stacks rounded down.

3) Pinned Down
Active -
Pin imbues his nail gun, firing a quick burst of bullets on Right Trigger knocking back the enemy a small amount per shot hit, pinning it to a wall if they hit one (or stunning) for a duration.

Can't think of a proper ultimate for it

Voicelines -

Have you ever heard of candlepin bowling? Neither did I!

Trust me when I say this, I, NEVER, spare...
One possible ultimate would be summoning bowling pins at a target location. Then if you hit them with the 1 they go flying and damage enemies they hit, or you use them to combo with the 3.