Phase, 1250 spirit item


Active member
Costs 1250
Spirit +8
Stamina +1
Jump to the other side of a wall that is less than 2 meters thick and is within 2 meters in front of you.
Cooldown 35s.
I think that this kind of effect is too powerfull for 1250, especially if it will allow jumping up or down. You could learn some good spots on the map, and then the enemy without the item has no real way of catching up to you. Maybe making it 3000 might be ok.
I will open the map, fly around in noclip and see if there are spots to abuse this, also the problem i see is flying OUT of the map, since i think some wall narover than 2m lead under the map
So, funny thing, most of the walls between room are more than 2m in this game. Most of the places that i found are FLOORS(usually underground tunnels)
The only real wall that is 2m:
You can go to the shop route, double jump after the stairs and then tp on top to juke the enemy:
I think that there is a spot, whre you can jump to the Creep camp(The one with a lot of creeps) from the tunnel, basically 100% escape. You can also jump in this tunnel from most places above:
From here, you can jump to the vent that leads to mid boss, and then the enemy has to guesss where you will go(to the boss, or towards the enterance with the creep camp, basically 50/50 guess game.
You can hug the wall on the left, and tp to the tunell
So yeah, if you make the item be able to teleport only horizontaly, there is just a few places on the map it could be used, othervise it becomes too abusable in escapes.
Sadly this item could not be added, without making some drastic map changes.