Patron post-transformation will sometimes permanently degrade performance within the enemy's base


New member
I've noticed in the endgame of some of my matches, from about mid way through the enemy patron's transformation animation, the
game's performance will begin to be permanently reduce within the area surrounding the weakened patron's final position and will only recover after you leave the area. (In some cases, it doesn't recover at all but that happens rarely as well)

Average FPS performance in a "normal" quality matches: 60-110 FPS
FPS Performance after Patron's transformation: 10-15 FPS, when bug occurs. (affected area usually ranges from enemy spawn, the weakened enemy patron's final position, and just before the enemy's base guardians)

Since the issue occurs randomly, I'll post any new information on the bug when I encounter it again.

I love the game and can't wait to see what's to come in the future!