Patch 9-12

Change to upgrading hero abilities is bad, revert it to previous plz where you dont need during battle to press tab and mouse click it to spend AP, now if i press tab and ability it uses ability instead of upgrading it.
New minimap hud feels too heavy and new hero icons on minimap are not good at all, they feel like cut off from some other game and dont match style.
Also Ivy ult still says about silence for 4.5 seconds on 4T.
Also game now frequently freezes, mb because it loads something idk, ive played 1 game only, it heavily froze for few seconds whe i used rescue beam, when boss spawned and 1 more time.
And am i only one or game feels different in bad way now? Idk why
Update: game continue to freeze and everyone feel it, it heavy freezed again when i used rescue beam in another game, and it freezed multiple times for other reasons