Paradox Wall does damage twice with Superior Duration


New member
Paradox Time Wall does 10% Max Health Damage. However, when possessing the Superior Duration item Time Wall will consistently hit the target twice causing 2 separate instances of 10% Max Health damage.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Enter Hero Sandbox as Paradox
  2. Cast Time Wall intersecting with the target dummy (might need to Strong Melee the dummy to push it into the wall if placement isn't precise)
  3. Note the amount of damage (300) dealt and the number of damage instances (1)
  4. Purchase Superior Duration, with any ability imbued
  5. Cast Time Wall again intersecting with the target dummy
  6. Note the amount of damage dealt (300) and the number of damage instances (2)
You can repeat the tests above with varying amounts of Duration increases. The threshold appears to be the 24% provided by the bonus provided to Non-imbued abilities provided by the Superior Duration item.

You can also repeat the above tests with only a brief intersection with the wall (such as when swapping with ult), and the ability will still deal 2 damage instances.