PADJ (A pathetic semblance of concept art)


New member
Yes, maybe I'm not an artist. Yes, maybe I’m creating this in vain, but I know one thing. THIS GAME NEEDS A BUTCHER.

Pudge Sheriff/Detective.
I didn't come up with the character's name.
A middle-aged man with a corpulent build. He may be a little scruffy, wearing a jacket and trousers from different suits, and he polished his shoes, it seems, a week ago, but he is not at all what he seems...
One thing can be said about him. He knows his stuff.

Weapon: Energy revolver.
Five shots initially. You can use a charged attack, which will sum up the damage from all five shots and stun for 0.1 seconds initially.

First ability Handcuff hook.
I think everyone has a rough idea of what it is. You aimed at the visual indicator and pulled the target towards you without the possibility of missing.

Second ability Cloud of smoke.
Detective throws a cigarette butt at a point where smoke will appear, which will disorient enemies, slow them down, and deal spirit damage over time inside.

Third ability Matter of experience.
With each kill, the stun of a charged shot increases by 0.1 seconds.

Ultimate Interrogation
Pudge places the cuff around the target's neck and grabs the target's head with a muscular arm, absorbing health.

Ability level improvements also need to be invented.
Forgive me for the horror I posted(and for my english also). BUT I WANT PUDGE IN THIS GAME.

In short, we need to think and offer your ideas. Maybe in the end a cool character will come out, but it won’t be a pudge at all.


  • padj.png
    554 KB · Views: 27
падж, пидж, паж, бучка, бачер, рудге, пэйджер джадж, hooker, пиджак, паджеро, Аль Паджино, чин чопа хук жопа, рыдж, пудге, пудочка, блевулька радж , добряк дуф , обычный пудж (нейтральный), модный или даже сексуальный c момом и башером