Now That Behavior System Exists, Can I(And Others Similiar) Get Unbanned For Reasons still Unknown?

I have joined this thread because I believe my ban is undeserved. I’ve already mentioned this on the forum before, but I want to explain my position again:

  1. In games, I always show respect to my opponents and teammates. There have been no signs of disrespect from me, at least not in the game itself. In real life, I might occasionally say something harsh, but this doesn't apply to the game environment.
  2. I have never used cheats, so there's nothing for me to add on that point.
  3. The ban was due to an invite. However, I was invited by a friend who isn’t banned, so this point should not be relevant.
I have joined this thread because I believe my ban is undeserved. I’ve already mentioned this on the forum before, but I want to explain my position again:

  1. In games, I always show respect to my opponents and teammates. There have been no signs of disrespect from me, at least not in the game itself. In real life, I might occasionally say something harsh, but this doesn't apply to the game environment.
  2. I have never used cheats, so there's nothing for me to add on that point.
  3. The ban was due to an invite. However, I was invited by a friend who isn’t banned, so this point should not be relevant.
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Since when is your ban? as mine is almost 2 months old now...
joining in to boost this thread more, i was banned over 3 months ago due to my name (they gave no reason so this is my best assumption) hopefully they will look at this thread and give people another chance due to the system now being in place.
nope you cant do that. perma bans include either an Ip ban or Hardware id ban.
Yup, it’s hardware ban and all the accounts that you previously had logged in with that HW, it’s sad that I still don’t know as to why the ban is still there and no way to appeal!
You're not getting anything. There's no one in the driver's seat. The system is being abused en masse and I highly doubt the developers care.
Yeah I give up, I am shocked that no channels are available, even if mistakes could have been made, still no way of reaching out.
funny how an image of a company changes so quickly when it used to be so positive for almost 2 decades.
Still no channels to know as to why the ban was issued in the first place, before behavior score existed, would have probably gotten a warning or low priority, while I keep watching Twitch and seeing cheaters every few games that aren't banned..
Matchmaking is Open 24/7, Behavior Score is introduced into the game.

I've been manually banned by Valve(Almost 30 Days Ago) for either flaming or reporting too many in game, and I never said what I did was correct.

The reason of this "Permanent Ban" is because there wasn't a behavior system in the game, now there is, which means if originally I got access to the game now, and was toxic, the best I'd get is a mute and or low priority, instead of a PERMANENT BAN
It's been almost a month now that I haven't been able to play the game, can I have my ban lifted so I can continue playing the game with my friends? Thanks!

TL;DR: 2 Reasons I might have received a Perma Ban
1. Flaming Someone(Which I deeply regret, happens to the best of us)
2.I reported people for what Valve didn't find guilty so I "abused" the system and received a Perma Ban.

The "reporting" in the new Behavior System states that the ability to report could be taken away, and if continued, perma banned, but this was not disclosed and this feature was not available at the time of my ban.


(I wouldn't have made this post if I had any sort of info on this, I tried Email, Discord, Steam Support, DM and much more to no success)
It takes A LOT to get permabanned like this. You were toxic, and calling the system unfair because of YOUR choices is ignorant. The community is better off without people like you
It takes A LOT to get permabanned like this. You were toxic, and calling the system unfair because of YOUR choices is ignorant. The community is better off without people like you
Calling out the system? There was NO system to begin with when I played. If I had gotten banned by the system for my behavior and or excessive outgoing reports then fair play. But no, I launch the game and the system thanks me for being nice and not disruptive.
Maybe next time before writing read at the date the post was made and read the contents in the thread.