NOT BUGGED (Ignore) Some Damage Items are increasing damage more than they should on consecutive ammo clips


New member
NOT BUGGED - Ammo clips not being inserted into first clip threw me off, everything working as intended.

Testing this using Ivy in Sandbox against the TargetDummy bot, at 5 meter distance.

Testing damage increased values at close range (5meters), shooting chest.

First Test - Basic Magazine values changing after first clip.
1. Unload full clip with 0 items or upgrades on dummy chest, 148-153 damage from clip.
2. Buy Basic Magazine. Unload clip, 180ish.
3. Unload another clip without changing anything, keeping basic magazine. Damage is now 223.
Item value is +15% damage (with 6% addition from tier 1). Value should be around 180 consistently.

This bug seems to also affect Long Range. And Long Range also has a higher damage increase even close up to your target.
Goes to 198 when it should only gain 10% from tier 2 on the second + clip of ammo. This makes Long Range a better damage increase even at close range over Close Quarters that actually add weapon damage + in them unconditionally. Close Quarters does 195 damage at the same range.
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