Non-Ultimate Spirit Scaler


New member
Item Name: Spirit Scaler (if u add plz call it Solid Spirit Scaling) «my gamertag is SolidGam3r»

This items main purpose is to chose one of you non-ultimate abilities you want to scale with spirit power. (Ultimate would be to powerful)

If the hero does have an ability that does not scale with spirit, it gains it. The amount can be example 0.5x scaling. If the hero already has example 0.7x in scaling it is now 1.2x.

Think this can make for many interesting builds and open up new ways to build. Of course you need to set the scaling amount to an amount that is not broken so every build focuses to build this.

Item description:

Tier 3: 3000 souls (might be a 6200 souls items if scaling is high)

Gives 0.5x to one of the hero’s non-ultimate abilities.

It also could add one or two of the following:
Gain 10% spirit ressist
Gain 12% Cooldown reduction
Gain 150 spirit armor
Honestly like the idea due to how it could really open up some builds to new abilities, but man this would completely tank most games

Imagine, if you will, a Lash who invests every soul he gets into his spirit and burst damage. Then he gets this and imbues it on his Ground strike. It would now scale per meter even faster than before, causing possibly catastrophic results as there could be a lash with an instant kill ability on anyone at any time more than he already does.
Honestly though as long as it isn't stackable with already scaling values it'd be fine
Yeah I see where you're coming from. I guess if they where to add something like this and it would work on all non-ultimate abilities it would be a small scaling so it doesnt break anything that already has the scaler, but big enough to do a little change. It also could be that the scaler would result in different numbers. Lets say it gives 0.5x on non spirit scaled abilities, and 0.2x on abilities with an existing scaler for example.
Honestly like the idea due to how it could really open up some builds to new abilities, but man this would completely tank most games

Imagine, if you will, a Lash who invests every soul he gets into his spirit and burst damage. Then he gets this and imbues it on his Ground strike. It would now scale per meter even faster than before, causing possibly catastrophic results as there could be a lash with an instant kill ability on anyone at any time more than he already does.
Honestly though as long as it isn't stackable with already scaling values it'd be fine
I think this is a really important point that makes the idea hard to work with.

While the concept of adding Spirit scaling to an ability is nice, what if instead it added passive Spirit Scaling to another thing? We have Seven and Grandma who both have scaling on Weapon Damage and Move speed, what if an item like this instead added Spirit scaling to... maybe Stamina regeneration? Fire rate? Fire rate could be pretty cool though potentially super broken for certain heroes like Infernus.

Would be interesting to see the concept as an item.
I think this is a really important point that makes the idea hard to work with.

While the concept of adding Spirit scaling to an ability is nice, what if instead it added passive Spirit Scaling to another thing? We have Seven and Grandma who both have scaling on Weapon Damage and Move speed, what if an item like this instead added Spirit scaling to... maybe Stamina regeneration? Fire rate? Fire rate could be pretty cool though potentially super broken for certain heroes like Infernus.

Would be interesting to see the concept as an item.
Yeah I agree, but if done right I could see it work. Cool Idea that as well! I personally would just love to see some builds that focuses working around an ability that might normally not do as much damage.