Nobody is talking in game

From last patch, i barely hear anyone talking in my games. I que up solo, mostly playing on EU, sometimes forcibly on RU. Every game i say hello and after some time ask if my teammates have mic. I play at 2100 nekoscore, and i never get any replies (last 10 games). Is voice functioning well (double checked and I have all-team voice enabled, my mic is working, no restrictions, speaking icon appears when i speak).
Am I really that unlucky that i only play with 5 stacks on discord, that can't even say one word, or what is going on?

Also, this is a cry for help in a way. If anyone is interested to play with me, so i can have at least one or few people to callout to, i would be glad. I'm fluent in english and Czech language. Preferably around same neko score as me, so we don't screw with mm. Eu center - west region. Anyone who is willing to team up, please dm me.
When I first started, I turned down all voice chat as I was tired of hearing pre-pubescent shrieks. I've since started using comms and it has made a HUGE difference, especially when I survey the map and it is CLEAR my teammates are not watching the map.
When I first started, I turned down all voice chat as I was tired of hearing pre-pubescent shrieks. I've since started using comms and it has made a HUGE difference, especially when I survey the map and it is CLEAR my teammates are not watching the map.
Of course it is. I still keep talking even if nobody answers and can see effects of my calls, so that answers my question - voice is not broken, however it is so disappointing that I'm the only one talking into comms.. Please guys, even if you are premades and talk over discord or whatever, let others that are not premade with you know key informations or at least let us know, that we are not talking to ourselves