No audio from Deadlock in Steam Game Recording unless set to "All System Audio"


New member
At present it seems if you have Steam Game Recording set to "Game Audio Only" or "Game and Selected Program" then the replays saved from Deadlock through Steam Game Recording have absolutely no sound. This did not happen prior to Nov. 11th.

All attempts to correct this do not work: re-installing Deadlock, deleting the timeline file, restarting Steam, restarting the system.

The only apparent workaround is setting Steam Game Recording to record "All System Audio". This problem seems to be unique to Deadlock.
I have also been having this issue; however, even when setting it to "All system audio," it does not record audio. The only audio picked up was from my mic. My guess is there is something wrong with how Steam Recording tries to grab Deadlock's audio.

I want to add a bit more information about my setup and issues. Initially, I had problems with every game, but that was due to Steam recording the wrong audio device for some reason. After disabling all but my headphones and Razer Synapse THX audio device, I get audio from other games in any recording mode; however, Deadlock seems not to record audio. The big difference I noticed between the game that worked and Deadlock is that the audio from Deadlock stops when in the Steam Game overlay, even with the audio setting "Play Sound in Background" enabled. I wonder if that could be the reason for it not working.
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I am having the same issue and it seems to be unique only to Win 11 24H2. Once I rollback to 23H2 Steam game recording records audio fine.