[New Hero] Toad - The Giant Sentient Bullfrog


New member

AI-generated concept art


Toad is a huge sentient bullfrog coated in toxic slime. He was transformed from an ordinary bullfrog during the Maelstrom, becoming the legendary
"Toad" to the local farmers, who didn't take kindly to him swallowing their livestock whole, and the name stuck. Longing to be more
than a monster, Toad fights for the Patrons so he might quell his all-consuming hunger and become a respected member of society.

Weapon - Tongue - slow, medium range (20-25m?) (hard capped) - high damage - unique property no ammo/reload - attack range affected by spell reach items
Normal fire shoots the tongue out to slap a target
Small splash area - to punish stacked up enemies or secure orb clusters since fire rate is slow
Splash not affected by reach items
Ricochet interaction yes/no?
Pressing alt fire will stick the tongue to small targets like troopers, pulling them in instead of damaging them
Pressing fire again with a trooper in your mouth will shoot them out on a ballistic trajectory and damage both the trooper and anyone impacted in a splash area
If a trooper is low enough you can swallow them instead by pressing alt fire again, acting like a melee secure
Can also grab crates and statues to swallow
Heroes cannot be pulled or swallowed under normal circumstances


Toad channels for up to 2s to inflate his throat and releases a sonic blast, damaging and knocking back units in a cone in front of him.

Hop (charges)

Toad hops to the target location. Enemies caught beneath Toad take impact damage in a splash radius and are affected by Toxic Skin.
Hop can still be cast while a unit is held in your mouth or stomach. Toad's sticky feet allow him to stick to and climb walls.

Toxic Skin

Toad's natural secretions protect him from his enemies. Anyone who makes contact with Toad receives movement slow, attack slow, and damage per second.
Units shot out of Toad's mouth become coated and splash Toxic Skin effects on anyone they impact. Toad's tongue also applies toxic skin.
Allies coated in Toxic Skin receive its benefits for 5s.

Consuming Hunger

Toad becomes consumed with hunger for a period of time (10s?). During this time troopers are instantly consumed by your tongue and provide a fixed heal.
Heroes becomes targetable by tongue alt-fire. Captured heroes can be shot out or swallowed like troopers. Heroes can remain swallowed for up to 5s.
Swallowed enemy heroes take 5%HP/s damage and heal Toad for 5%HP/s. Swallowed allies are healed for 5%HP/s.
Swallowed heroes can be shot out like normal with the fire button or dropped at your current location with alt fire.
Heroes held in your mouth have their gun disarmed and are rooted, but can still use melee attacks.
Allies who melee break out of your grasp. Enemies who melee deal normal melee damage to Toad.
Swallowed heroes are effectively stunned except allies can still melee to leave whenever Toad is touching the ground.
Swallowed heroes are immune to all other spells, damage, and debuffs.
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A few clarifications and ideas:

1) The tongue splash is intended to be similar in size to melee splash. It could also apply to pulled targets and swallowing if we want to allow multiple targets at once for these.
2) Ribbit's area of effect, knockback, and damage scale up with the channel time. Perhaps enemies who impact an obstacle should also be stunned briefly.
3) Ribbit could also deafen affected enemies, perhaps as an upgrade, like the tinnitus effect from flashbangs in other games.