[New Hero] - Spider Assassin - Wall-climber, Stealth, High dive to finish Enemies


New member
A slick, tall and black; mecha-spider Hero.
It walks on 6 leg-blades and shoots Shadow Spikes with the other 2 arm-blades.


Left Click: Shoots Shadow Spikes at Long Range, high velocity, fast fire rate, but LOW magazine.


1- Spider Web - 35s CD
Create a tall, invisible Web Wall at target Area up to 25m away. (It has a width of 15m)
Webs aren't solid walls; when Enemies pass through the Web Wall,
they lose 1 Stamina and are slowed by 40% for 3 seconds.

Spider Web lasts 60 seconds. 1 web Limit

1: -15s CD
3: +1 Web Limit
5: Enemies lose 1 more Stamina


2- Widow's Grace- 30s CD
Active: For 5 seconds, gain +60% movement speed
and the ability to climb on Walls or your Spider Webs while holding "Spacebar".

Passive: If you Dash into a Wall, you'll stick to if for 3 secs,
while stuck, you may press Dash again to perform a Wall-jump, leaping 5m upwards; 7m backwards.
(spacebar to cancel)

1: +30% move speed
3: Your Passive lasts indefinitely, making you invisible after 3 secs. !!!
5: -10s CD


3- Leg-blade Helicopter - 15s CD, 1 Charge
Must be Airborne to cast this:

Rapidly spin your 6 legs-blades around, greatly slowing your falling speed
and shooting Wide Shadow Spikes in front of you with those Legs.
Cancel with spacebar or dash.

These Wide Shadow Spikes will slowly arch downward into the ground, dealing Damage.
Lasts 3 seconds, shooting Wide Shadow Spikes every 0.5 sec.
*** Similar to Talon's "2" Arrow Barrages, but arching downward, slower velocity and less range.

1: +1 Charge
3: + Damage
5: +2 sec Duration


4- Arachnid Dive - 60s CD
Must be Airborne to cast this:

Dive down to Target 7m Area, dealing massive damage to enemies based on your fall distance.
(Higher the dive, greater the Damage)

1: Hero Kills reset the Cooldown of this Ultimate.
3: Restore 10% missing Health for Each Enemy Hero struck.
5: Consecutive kills within 9 seconds grant +Damage


Gameplay scenario I:

Create a "Spider Web" to slow Enemies,

Activate "Widow's Grace" to climb as high as possible on the Spider Web,
you can shoot enemies through the Web while climbing!

Dash into your web, to stick to it, then dash again to perform a Wall-jump,
use "Leg-blade Helicopter" to maintain your height and dealing damage in wide areas on the ground.

Finally, use Arachnid Dive to finish off the Enemy.


Scenario II:

Set up multiple "spider webs",
then use "Widow's Grace" to climb onto any other wall nearby;
stick to it indefinitely using the second UPGRADE of "Widows Grace", being invisible.
Be patient and wait like a menacing predator for your pray.

When an Enemy passes through one of the "Spider Webs", dash to perform the Wall-jump, Leg-Blade helicopter, shoot, Arachnid dive to finish them off.
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