New Hero: Priest (Support heroes)


New member
This is a weak offensive character who is biased towards support.

The left mouse button shoots light from the staff, and the right button can charge up to increase the light damage.All are time-lapse ballistics

The first skill:The Priest throws a healing orb that heals allied units within the radius.
upgrade:1.Reduced cooldown time
2.Increases the area of effect
3.Heals and provides armor to hero units

Second skill: The Priest casts an aura centered on himself, and the unit hit by the aura briefly gains damage reduction
upgrade:1.Reduced cooldown time
2.Heals and provides armor to hero units
3.Aura healing effect

Third skill: (Passive skills)Priest's Charged Attack hits inflict a non-stacking slow
upgrade:1.Increases Charged Attack Damage
2.Reduce charging time
3.Charged Attack hits will burst healing pulses centered on you

Fourth skill: The Priest resurrects a hero who has recently died, but only has 1/4 health
upgrade:1.Reduced cooldown time
2.Reduced spell release foreswing
3.Revived teammates have 1/2 health
I like this. Thematically, a priest would fit well, and the game is in dire need of an actual healer character.
Thank you, because I'm the kind of person who likes to play support in any game. And Deadlock doesn't have a clear class division right now, so I wanted to have a support character.