New Hero: MurlKnight


New member
Hi, guys, I felt like our game need more new heroes and I think every game should have its own MURLOC.

I present to you
Name: MurlKnight or MurlKing

DALL·E 2024-08-15 08.59.21 - A fantasy-style character combining a Murloc and a medieval knig...webp
*Note: the picture was made with AI, it's just a concept, but if you like the idea, I can work on the model

Description of history: Legends say that in the deepest trenches of the ocean lives a murloc, clad in the sacred armor of an ancient knight. He is known as MurlKnight, protector of all sea creatures. His shield and magical gauntlet, like Thanos, are imbued with the power of the ocean, and he will never give up in battle.

Description of character: Considering that most characters in the game rely on ranged weapons, it was quite challenging to incorporate a Murloc into the gameplay, as it would look rather odd for a Murloc to wield a firearm. Therefore, I decided that a combination of a Murloc from World of Warcraft and Reinhardt from Overwatch would be the ideal solution.
What we have is essentially a Murloc Knight. In one hand, he wields a shield, which he uses to protect his allies, serving as a tank. In his other hand, he possesses a magical gauntlet from which he shoots projectiles. Given that he is a water-based creature, it wouldn’t make sense for him to shoot bullets. Instead, he fires water-based projectiles, perhaps high-pressure water blasts.
This unique arsenal allows the character to stand out in the game, bringing together the defensive capabilities of a knight with the elemental power of water, making him both a protector and a formidable offensive force.

Description of abilities:
1. Shield Wall:
Description: The character deploys a water shield in front of him, which blocks incoming attacks. The strength of the shield depends on the level of the ability
Use: Can be used to protect allies and block damage + abilities from enemies.
Example of upgrades: +100 HP at level 1, +200 HP + mini-regen HP at level 2, +300 HP + blocking stuns or flying hooks, etc, blocking all at level 3

2. Tidal Surge or Stream of water:
Description: The character charges his magical gauntlet and releases a powerful stream of water that pushes enemies back and deals damage. This stream can be useful for knocking enemies out of position/ability casts or forcing them out of cover
Use: Can be used for crowd control, damage and breaking lines.
Example of upgrades: +100 damage at level 1, disarm for 2 sec at level 2, + silence for 2 sec at level 3

3. Fortified Waters:
Description: When activated, the character greatly increases his maximum health by 50% for the duration of the ability. During this time, every hit he deals restores a portion of his health (10% of the damage dealt), and also increases the speed of health regeneration (similar to the murloc's ult in HOTS). The ability is focused on survival and maintaining the character's tank role.
Use: This ability is designed to allow the character to endure longer battles and absorb large amounts of damage.
Example of upgrades: +10% more regen at level 1, reduction of recovery at level 2, + immune to all stuns for +3 sec at level 3 (for escaping)

4.1 Ultimate - Ocean's Fury:
Description: The character summons a huge wave that moves forward and knocks down all enemies in its path, dealing significant damage (like the monks' ultimate in WoW or Ragnaros's ultimate in HOTS). Enemies hit by the wave are also stunned for a short time.
Use: This ability can be used to break through enemy lines, destroy defenses and create opportunities for allies to attack.
Example of upgrades: +100 damage at level 1, also disarms enemies for 2 sec after at level 2, also heals nearby allies for 200 hp at level 3

4.2 Ultimate - Poseidon’s Wrath (This ult more matching with history of character)

Description: The character raises his hand with a magical glove to the sky and summons a rain of water spears that fall on enemies in a large radius, dealing massive damage and slowing them down (similar to Crystal Maiden’s ultimate from Dota 2).
Use: An ultimate ability that is ideal for destroying enemies in a large fight and slowing them down, allowing allies to finish off the survivors.
Example of upgrades: +100 damage at level 1, larger radius at level 2, + reduction of recovery at level 3

Let me know what do you think about it <3
Leaning a bit too far into fantasy rather than urban fantasy with the character design
Thank you for feedback. Then if we're talking about urban fantasy in character design, he could be worked out as a lonely, abandoned hero from the sewers who finds that lost magic glove in the trash and climbs out to prove his worth.