New hero idea: Hero hunter


New member
A female ranger with a steampunk crossbow. She is mobility based/duelist fighter


1. Exploding arrow - her crossbow shoots an exploding arrow that displaces heroes away from the point of impact. It is a versatile skill that is good for waveclear and poking during the laning stage. It can also punish people hiding in the covers by pushing them out if you land it skillfully.

2. Veil wall - similar to the one way mirror in the game she creates a veil wall in front of her. This ability grants her a passive that adds spirit damage if she shoots through the veil walls, this also applies to the other walls in the map.

3. Hunters finesse - She gains increased movement speed and additional stamina bars and reduces her combat speed penalty it also reduces her speed movement speed penalty while shooting.

4. Predator stance - In this time limited mode her crossbow transforms into a bigger crossbow additionally she gains :

Increased projectile size and the ability to shoot through the target but not through walls
Additional spirit damage
Amplified toolset:
Her 1 now ministuns for .1 ms
2 now gets increased aoe
3 now adds triple jump.
Glowing red eyes
note that her 4 doesnt refresh her cds on any of her abilities ideally you want to pop it to initiate combat.

My thought process for this hero

I've always loved mobility/ambush focused character in dota like Slark and Storm spirit and I wanted to mesh their playstyle into a shooting focused character like Drow ranger. Her playstyle revolves around outplaying the opponent in fights and her ultimate which makes her even more deadly. Her kit is more focused to 1v1s which makes her kit weaker when fighting multiple opponents. The reason for the additional jump in her amplified third skill is so that she can aim her first skill better. Veil walker works on her 2nd skill.
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I love the veil wall idea and its interactions on the map, creating some preferable areas for you vs other (perhaps you see both sides as an upgrade or base? just idea) as well as a draft idea if you want to create a team that likes and wants to get veil walker and use that. really fun i like map specific interactability.

its hard not to see how this resembles Vayne identity, which is run fast, 1st skill is an upgraded auto in some sort and it couples her pin arrow knock back. ult is upgraded skills and stats, like vayne like yamato. also see the drow idea of punching hard.

its ok its a cool design just need to completly remake her 3. What i am about to say is both a reason why it could exist but its also why its a problem: its like a timed fleetfootwork. why not just give fleet? then there's Ivy, Ivy is the rapid fire crossbow character with mobility. she has fleet base, level1 run and gun, and 4 stam ( its thematic she has strong movement because she as wings i guess).

I just want to make sure we don't go make ditto's. If we have to keep the same name and identity i feel we could do 2 things that are more unique than stamina use where if you get extra stamina it becomes pre nerf lash where on top of a movement you get free stam ( i play lash and i like that i now needto think where to grapple instead press as a panic button and then use 6 stam bars in a row). My idea within the hunter theme is perhaps add a passive that if you are sliding you get multishot? as long you are being aggresive and using slide with dashes to shoot its harder to juke you and you can keep up very good clear vs scatter weapons at a cost of stam or jsut use stairs, cool to use terrain for mechanics. And the active of hunters finesse could be a "always" backward dash that throws a projectile ( based on theme, could be a clockwork contraption like a sticky bomb or a knife, i imagine paradox dash animation with a yamato m2 type attack, akali E like). but on impact you get movement stats, moving toward them and have them revealed ( you're hunting the prey, i know its more vayne esque due to direction of move speed but that's more fun imo you already have an extra escape dash base line) and if it connects you can rescast it to move foward within a certain timer. So if you hit the spell you can cast to do the same dash but foward, or just a extra movement foward. perhaps it refreshes 1 stam on contact? you can always look backwards to move foward. the dash foward could be a charge but that's would just be another flying strike from yamato. does the 2nd dash do damage foward? why not just some idea to have it more than have 2 steroid buttons in a very ability based game.
Would make it a design failure if its just: stats good enough? then they punch you down with little way to fight from ability upgrade and move speed. if not you're nothing.

Also part of the effects i suggested for the 3 could be in the ult upgrade. I like that it upgrades beyond them but they need to be decent.
Where i have seen the ult upgrade design fail was in one of Smite interations of Bastet where it triplicated ( for lower values) your base skills when you pop ult for a few seconds so it meant what it mattered was base skills be maxed because your ult is just a base kit enhance. and that's already yamato. but in yamato you can work much better as a weapon build and use the invul and immortal states better. Shiv is also has a similar power where if you are angry you're a beast and if not you ok. He's more than OK now but its the idea of much stronger you are with it. so its a decider on how much power do you want to be on your ult