(New Hero idea) Canvas


New member
I had a fairly bare bones idea for a hero:

Canvas (or some better term to use for someone who is a graffiti artist)

1 - a mine thats placed similar to grey talon, instead of snaring people, it applies a decaying slow but while the slow is active the footsteps and portrait of the victim are shown on the minimap.
2 - a gun fire mode swap. Close range burst which grants fire rate improvement or long range which has higher damage.
3 - Canvas becomes a paint puddle, similar to viscous cube, they become untargetable and heal, but can move much slower than normal. This ability also marks enemies that walk over it similar to the first ability and grants a bonus damage buff for enemies that are marked by paint.
4 - Canvas creates a smoke cloud that obscures vision and marks all enemies in the cloud. Enemies within cloud radius can be damaged by the enemy team since the colors from the bomb make them appear to be on the enemy team. They take damage at a diminished amount but maybe could increase with levels.

I think the ult is something that could be both fun and frustrating for teams that are ahead. Similar to a Lash ulting and throwing the enemy team into spawn when behind, there would be great situations for a canvas ult turning the tide of an engagement. Ulting and catching a few members of the enemy team under the Seven ult, causing Ivy to silence part of thier own team if they dont aim carefully, viscous goo ball stuns, things like that.

I understand this is lacking many mechanics, such as: any numbers whatsoever, any level up changes to mechanics, names for abilities, or even a solid character name, but thats why its a suggestion. Let me know your feedback.