New Hero: Hulk Jr, the Wrestler


New member
It's a tribute to Lash biggest rival from the pit fighting era. The good guy. The Hero.
It's a kid in the costume of a wrestler pretending to be the wrestler.

Hero weapon and Stats.
High HP, Medium movement speed.
Medium DPS, Medium Firerate, High Velocity.
Very Low Range, Medium Accuracy.

1. Creates Bumper (pinball pop bumper) that pushes away every unit that collided with it.
  • Stack: 1
  • Cooldown: 2s
  • Stack Recovery Time: 30s.
  • Duration: 7s.
  • Push Distance: 10m.
  1. +1 Stack
  2. Allies gain +50% Bullet Resistance while in motion from the bumper.
  3. Enemies are stunned while in motion from the bumper.
2. Teleport to an enemy Hero to catch them and throw them and himself in a specified direction. Damage is increased for every meter the enemy travels (cap at 20m).
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • Catch Range: 10m (20m / infinite vertical distance?).
  1. +20m Range.
  2. Enemy Bullet Resistance is reduced by 25% for 5 seconds after landing.
  3. Stuns an enemy for 0.5 - 2s depending on the distance traveled.
Heavy Punch (toggleable passive)
3. Heavy Hit deals bonus damage and pushes them away. Skill can be deactivated and activated by pressing the skill button.
  • Cooldown: 5s (scales lightly with Spirit).
  • Bonus Damage: 50% of Heavy Hit Damage (scales with Spirit).
  • Push Range: 1m.
  1. Enemies have -25% Bullet Resistance while being pushed.
  2. Reduce cooldown by- 2s. Increase Push Range by 1m.
  3. If pushed away enemy hits a wall, they take additional +50% damage from the punch and get mini-stunned.
The Phantom Ring
4. Create an illusionary ring in which you gain improved stats and abilities. Ring has unlimited vertical size. The ring doesn't block any movement from and to.
  • Cooldown: 120
  • Duration: 15
  • Range: 10x10 box.
  • Bonus Melee Damage: +100% (scales with Spirit)
  • Bonus Spirit Resistance: +25%
  • Bonus Bullet Resistance: +50%.
Skill Improvements:
  1. All Bumpers inside the ring have their duration frozen. Bumping into them applies -25% Bullet and Spirit Resist (stacking) for 5 seconds.
  2. Gain infinite cast range. Deals damage in AoE of the landing place.
  3. Ring boundaries count as wall for this ability (so they stop enemies).
  1. Allies gain 50% of your Bonuses inside the Ring.
  2. Creating the Ring refreshes all other ability cooldowns.
  3. Enemy projectiles can't enter the Ring. Enemies can only Melee and Parry inside the Ring (no skills, no guns, no items).