New Hero: Horney, the Parapsychologist


New member
Hero weapon and Stats.
Low HP, High movement speed.
Low DPS, Low Firerate, Medium Velocity.
Medium Range, Very High Accuracy.

Third Eye
1. Throws a grenade creating an area in which all Allies and Enemies are visible and counted as "in line of sight" for her and her teammates. (So all AoE abilieties needing Line of Sight don't check that and enemies can't hide).
  • Stack: 1
  • Cooldown: 5s
  • Stack Recovery Time: 30s.
  • Duration: 10s.
  1. Deals 50 Spirit Damage on creation (scales with Spirit).
  2. +1 Stack
  3. When enemy leaves the Area he receives all "On Bullet Damage" effects from Horney and additional 100 Spirit Damage (scales with Spirit).
Watch the Watch.
2. Force selected enemy Hero and herself to look at each other's until the line of sight is broken. (pretty much a two-sided aimbot, doesn't block abilities or movement in any way).
  • Cooldown: 40s
  • Duration: 7s
  • Range: 10m
  • Line of Sight broken threshold: 0.5s.
  1. +5m Range.
  2. +1.5s Line of Sight break threshold
  3. Targetted enemy deals 33% less damage to the Horney, and receives 33% more damage from the Horney.

Charismatic Charade
3. Enemies around Horney gain debuff reducing their Bullet and Spirit damage towards her. Stackable.
  • Range: 10m (scales with Spirit).
  • Bullet and Spirit Damage reduction: 5%.
  • Stack Gain Tick: 5s.
  • Stacks Limit: 10.
  • Stack Decay: 10s.
  1. Stacks Gain Tick reduced by 1s.
  2. Every instance of a stack grants her +5% Bullet Damage dealt as Spirit Damage (scales with Spirit). (if she deals 100 Bullet Damage with 2 Stacks on Hero X and 3 Stacks on Hero Y, she deals 100 Bullet Daamge and 25 Spirit Damage)
  3. Stack Gain Tick reduces by 1s. Stack Limit increased by 5.

Mass Hypnosis
4. All enemies in an area around the Horney lose control over themselves and are forced to walk in a straight line towards the Horney. If they take damage they snap back to reality and are immune to this Hypnosis. Taking damage while channeling reduces the duration of this skill.
  • Cooldown: 120
  • Duration: 10 (scales with Spirit)
  • Range: 15m.
  • Horney Movement Speed multiplier: 50%.
  • HP lose to duration proportions: 10% HP = -1s
  1. Range +5m.
  2. Enemies lose 25% Bullet and Spirit Resistance for 5s. after snapping back to reality.
  3. If Mass Hypnosis is cancelled, all affected enemies are stunned for 10% of remaining duration.