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Monster Hunter:
• 3,000 Souls Item (with Monster Rounds )
•Upgrade from Monster Rounds
• Weapon Item (Tier 3)
• 3,500 Souls without Monster Rounds
Item stats: Monster Rounds: Improvment:
Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +40% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +30% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +30% -> +40% +10%
Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +35% Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +25% Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +25% -> +35% +10%
Bonus Health +100 Bonus Health +30 Bonus Health +30 -> +100 +70
Ammo +3(no %) Health Regen +1
14s Cooldown)
After killing a candle tropper or a neutral monster you get this bonuses:
• +15% Fire Rate
• +10% Weapon Damage vs NPCs(+50% with Buff)
• +20% Spirit Damage vs NPCs
Buff Duration: 5s
Why a Upgrade from Monster Rounds?
Monster Rounds is a Item for the early game. It´s pretty popular and many people buy it. But in the midgame this item fall off. Most people sell it ,but with this Upgrade it has a chance to scale better in the mid/lategame.
Why i think this Item is good for Deadlock:
In lowerelo matches most people don´t jungle and even in my matches some people don´t jungle. With this item you can jungle faster and maybe more people go for Junglecamps. Most of the time the Tier Three Jungels are not farmed until minute 20. With this item, even heroes who are not very good at farming can farm well. It also helps the "Jungler" to farm faster. This item makes jungle more competitive and more skillful.
I Hope you like this Item if not tell me pls why and what do you think. See you soon with more Items.
• 3,000 Souls Item (with Monster Rounds )
•Upgrade from Monster Rounds
• Weapon Item (Tier 3)
• 3,500 Souls without Monster Rounds
Item stats: Monster Rounds: Improvment:
Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +40% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +30% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs +30% -> +40% +10%
Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +35% Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +25% Bullet Resist vs. NPCs +25% -> +35% +10%
Bonus Health +100 Bonus Health +30 Bonus Health +30 -> +100 +70
Ammo +3(no %) Health Regen +1

After killing a candle tropper or a neutral monster you get this bonuses:
• +15% Fire Rate
• +10% Weapon Damage vs NPCs(+50% with Buff)
• +20% Spirit Damage vs NPCs
Buff Duration: 5s
Why a Upgrade from Monster Rounds?
Monster Rounds is a Item for the early game. It´s pretty popular and many people buy it. But in the midgame this item fall off. Most people sell it ,but with this Upgrade it has a chance to scale better in the mid/lategame.
Why i think this Item is good for Deadlock:
In lowerelo matches most people don´t jungle and even in my matches some people don´t jungle. With this item you can jungle faster and maybe more people go for Junglecamps. Most of the time the Tier Three Jungels are not farmed until minute 20. With this item, even heroes who are not very good at farming can farm well. It also helps the "Jungler" to farm faster. This item makes jungle more competitive and more skillful.
I Hope you like this Item if not tell me pls why and what do you think. See you soon with more Items.