NERF Mcginnis turret


Mcginnis turret needs to be nerfed to the ground. How in the FUCKING HELL does a turret do just as much damage my ult with 4 cards and a full clip? also somehow having a life steal on top of the turret saving this fucking losers ass. Its far from even balance. thats patheic.

1. Turret shouldnt deal 2k damage in 5 second

2. turrets should have your abilities cooperating with you turret E.G life steal from soul shredder. Its insane how this is even a thing.

View attachment wraith is useless_0.mp4
I can understand your frustration on a kill like this. but looking at it from the outside. if you look close you can see there are multiple turrets stacked close to eachother. that with the healing specter which is probably maxed out. so I think this was a fair fight. you just ran into a Mcginnis that was prepaird. adding to that, you dont seem to have a healing breaker like healbane or toxic bullits. judging from the heal you got from your damage I thing the Mcginnis did have healbane.
I can understand your frustration on a kill like this. but looking at it from the outside. if you look close you can see there are multiple turrets stacked close to eachother. that with the healing specter which is probably maxed out. so I think this was a fair fight. you just ran into a Mcginnis that was prepaird. adding to that, you dont seem to have a healing breaker like healbane or toxic bullits. judging from the heal you got from your damage I thing the Mcginnis did have healbane.
It was only 2 turrets, they still do way too much damage and take way too long to kill.

Turrets should only be active if McGinnis is in range of them, it's ridiculous that she can place them then walk to the other side of the map.

Another example of them being way too strong the way they are, is the fact you can solo mid-boss at 15 minutes with her.
You pushed into her turrets while you had the dmg amp of the wall on you without any resist, what did you expect to happen?

Turrets are weak, have limited range, poor aim and cant move. If you push into a stack of them its your fault.

On top of that that McGinnis buffed the shit out of them, probably T3 update, atk speed buff from specter and heroic aura. Completely ignoring them and then complaining that they are too strong?
You pushed into her turrets while you had the dmg amp of the wall on you without any resist, what did you expect to happen?

Turrets are weak, have limited range, poor aim and cant move. If you push into a stack of them its your fault.

On top of that that McGinnis buffed the shit out of them, probably T3 update, atk speed buff from specter and heroic aura. Completely ignoring them and then complaining that they are too strong?
Her turrets did 2k life steal. saving her. It is completely unnecessary. She was in the air. and literally only her turrets shot back and was able to out damage my ult and 4 cards. thats the issue im having. HER TURRETS DID THAT while SHE WAS IN THE AIR
Why would your stun stop her turrets from working? We get it, your ulti wasn't a free kill like you're used to. he wall makes you take 25% more damage, she had scepter out, you were affected by soul shredder, her turrets had mystic vuln, and you had no spirit resistance.

Also, this isn't a bug, don't abuse the bug report forums for your complaining. There is a section of the forums specifically for balance complaints.
You pushed into her turrets while you had the dmg amp of the wall on you without any resist, what did you expect to happen?

Turrets are weak, have limited range, poor aim and cant move. If you push into a stack of them its your fault.

On top of that that McGinnis buffed the shit out of them, probably T3 update, atk speed buff from specter and heroic aura. Completely ignoring them and then complaining that they are too strong?

Wraith Mains when they cant just turn their monitor off and go 4-1-1-1-1

I think everyone is clouded over their hate for wraith. What arnt you people understanding that a turret did 2k life steal. Thats the issue here. Literally if you wanna say wraith is a 4-1-1-1-1 mcgninnis is a camping 3-1-1-2 which is apparently more strong than wraith. Its isnt the fact that i didnt get the kill. Its the fact that i actually lost that duel to a turret in 5 seconds. Her hp didnt even go below half because of the insane life steal the turrets provived along ide. that she had enough time to place her healing aura because wraith ult is so fucking slow.
to a turret in 5 seconds
two turrets, that were buffed and McGinnis was 100% using a turret build -> low gun dmg
and you ran into them with 25% dmg amp from wall hitting you, with zero spirit resist and ignored the turrets completely.

that she had enough time to place her healing aura because wraith ult is so fucking slow
Also wrong, the heal was there from the beginning of the video
I think everyone is clouded over their hate for wraith. What arnt you people understanding that a turret did 2k life steal. Thats the issue here. Literally if you wanna say wraith is a 4-1-1-1-1 mcgninnis is a camping 3-1-1-2 which is apparently more strong than wraith. Its isnt the fact that i didnt get the kill. Its the fact that i actually lost that duel to a turret in 5 seconds. Her hp didnt even go below half because of the insane life steal the turrets provived along ide. that she had enough time to place her healing aura because wraith ult is so fucking slow.

a lot of the healing was from the max heal scepter
and mcginnis was down about 900 health after you died
and she had 300 spirit shield too
so that leaves 800 damage she healed
she had 2k health
so from healing specters 5% max hp/second
thats100 hp a second
and she was in the heal for about 4-5 seconds before wraith died
so that's about 400 health from spectre
so she healed only like 400 hp from turrets smh
I think everyone is clouded over their hate for wraith. What arnt you people understanding that a turret did 2k life steal. Thats the issue here. Literally if you wanna say wraith is a 4-1-1-1-1 mcgninnis is a camping 3-1-1-2 which is apparently more strong than wraith. Its isnt the fact that i didnt get the kill. Its the fact that i actually lost that duel to a turret in 5 seconds. Her hp didnt even go below half because of the insane life steal the turrets provived along ide. that she had enough time to place her healing aura because wraith ult is so fucking slow.
also have you ever fought an infernus???
a lot of the healing was from the max heal scepter
and mcginnis was down about 900 health after you died
and she had 300 spirit shield too
so that leaves 800 damage she healed
she had 2k health
so from healing specters 5% max hp/second
thats100 hp a second
and she was in the heal for about 4-5 seconds before wraith died
so that's about 400 health from spectre
so she healed only like 400 hp from turrets smh
Im not talking about how much she HEALED from the turrets. look at the damage output after i died. im complaining that her TURRETS did 2K life steal. She had 2k hp i did 2100 damage. IM SAYING HER TURRETS GRANDED HER life steal that saved her ass. Has nothing to do with her healing aura. What i was getting at with the healing aura is that she had enough time to place it before my ult grabbed her because wraiths ult is so slow.
two turrets, that were buffed and McGinnis was 100% using a turret build -> low gun dmg
and you ran into them with 25% dmg amp from wall hitting you, with zero spirit resist and ignored the turrets completely.

Also wrong, the heal was there from the beginning of the video
Not from what i see, She runs and places her healing aura right before she got caught
Not from what i see, She runs and places her healing aura right before she got caught
also the turrets are boarder line impossible to fucking notice in the heat of the moment because they are in the corner out of my direct eye site you people only see it because its a video and can see details. Bottom line 2 turrets should not do 2k damage in 5 seconds its simple.
Why people complain about Turrets only now after huge buff of McNuggets? I'm playing in Deadlock since June, and from this time Turrets always were overpowered, dealing 170-200 DPS by one Turret it literally a big joke what we can say about 4 of them, huh?.
People talking about no spirit resists, mystic vyn - but realy truth is - even with Improved Spirit Armor, with most of items which can give you at least 30-40% of Spirit Resist the 4 Turrets will deal to you much more damage then your resist and protection can handle. You just will live for 2-3 sec longer which is 90% pointless, especially on this example on video - 2-3 more sec Wraith will not able to kill McNuggets, cause turrets overhealing her but Wraith will die anyway if there were any Spirit Resist items.
Last time when I've played vs McNuggets I had a 425 Spirit Shield (it wasn't a choice for my protection vs spirit, just items gave this amount of shield hp to me) and 2 turrets by 3 shots drop my shiled down while I'm just hit one of this turrets for 150hp(and it was only one hp block over turrets) so if I countinue to fight vs 1 turrets I'm already lost more than half of my HP.
I've posted a lot of feedback from June about Turrets to the Heroes feedback, but after 2 month developers decide to buff it more rather then fix it. The real solution for fixing turrets is split all this DPS between N amount of the turrets or reduce overall DPS with every new turret, cause if 4 turrets will give 170+ per each can destroy whole enemy team especially when we have a Spirit Meta in game rn.
Not from what i see, She runs and places her healing aura right before she got caught
From the match replay:
you can clearly see the healing and two turrets.
All placed before you attacked. Not sure why it says 19:23 on the top probably a replay bug. It was before McGinnis walked through the arch facing you.
From the match replay:
you can clearly see the healing and two turrets.
All placed before you attacked. Not sure why it says 19:23 on the top probably a replay bug. It was before McGinnis walked through the arch facing you.
View attachment 25181
Well, that healing aura i thought i seen him place before, Thats my bad. But im still adamant that Mcginnis turrets should have killed me there. If anything it should have just saved him from dying. Instead of doing 2k damage. Since you went into the replay you probably seen the other clip of the exact thing happening at 22 minutes.

The point im trying to get across is that her turrets should not be doing 2k damage in 5 seconds. Thats all i was pissed off about. not that i didnt get the kill. I didnt even get out played. her turrets are just to powerful and shouldnt be doing that amount of damage.
Why people complain about Turrets only now after huge buff of McNuggets? I'm playing in Deadlock since June, and from this time Turrets always were overpowered, dealing 170-200 DPS by one Turret it literally a big joke what we can say about 4 of them, huh?.
People talking about no spirit resists, mystic vyn - but realy truth is - even with Improved Spirit Armor, with most of items which can give you at least 30-40% of Spirit Resist the 4 Turrets will deal to you much more damage then your resist and protection can handle. You just will live for 2-3 sec longer which is 90% pointless, especially on this example on video - 2-3 more sec Wraith will not able to kill McNuggets, cause turrets overhealing her but Wraith will die anyway if there were any Spirit Resist items.
Last time when I've played vs McNuggets I had a 425 Spirit Shield (it wasn't a choice for my protection vs spirit, just items gave this amount of shield hp to me) and 2 turrets by 3 shots drop my shiled down while I'm just hit one of this turrets for 150hp(and it was only one hp block over turrets) so if I countinue to fight vs 1 turrets I'm already lost more than half of my HP.
I've posted a lot of feedback from June about Turrets to the Heroes feedback, but after 2 month developers decide to buff it more rather then fix it. The real solution for fixing turrets is split all this DPS between N amount of the turrets or reduce overall DPS with every new turret, cause if 4 turrets will give 170+ per each can destroy whole enemy team especially when we have a Spirit Meta in game rn.
They literally nerfed her turrets last big patch. less uptime, 33% less health, one less charge, do less objective damage, do less creep damage, you're smoking crack if you think that was a buff. The only "buff" was the cooldown reduction, but that was to offset the nerf to uptime, which btw was to designed to nerf the echo shard build. They also nerfed pretty core items to her build because of the Ivy Kudzu bomb build.

It is very clear to me that you have no idea what's going in the game, which is fine not everyone reads the change logs, but you can't expect us to take you seriously if you think the last change to her was a buff. Also NFT bros and not understanding things kinda goes hand in hand.
itemization is very important in countering people, especially if you're losing
if you don't want the mcginnis to heal from the turrets as much, buy toxic bullets/healbane/decay, and if you're taking too much damage from the turrets buy spirit armor or shields
if you can't do that, then just stay out of turret range and shoot them since your damage has no falloff against the turrets
you also had project mind ready, so you could have teleported up and over the wall to disengage instead of staying inside of the turret nest in an attempt to get a kill on a very prepared mcginnis when you could gank her slightly later when the turrets/heal were down