nerf Bebop


New member
Completely overtuned and not fun to play against.

His hook still overpowered.
even after
- Bebop: Hook range reduced from 35m to 30m
Make his hook an actual skill ability, right now he hooks with very forgiving hitbox, I suggset make it like a needle so you actually need to aim.
Every lobby has bebop, but no paradox, why even pick paradox if you can do massive damage without any risks

Nobody builds hybrid or ammo bebop, those numbers needs to be tuned down even larger.
- Bebop: Hyper Beam cooldown increased from 117 to 130
- Bebop: Hyper Beam T1 reduced from -38s to -30s
- Bebop: Hyper Beam end radius reduced from 5m to 4m
- Bebop: Hyper Beam slow reduced from 40% to 30%
- Bebop: Hyper Beam DPS reduced from 220 to 205
- Bebop: Hyper Beam DPS spirit scaling reduced from 3 to 2.7
I feel like Bebop and Haze are the two heroes that stir up the most frustration because they're such harsh knowledge checks. I don't think they're OP at all, in fact spirit bebop builds have a lot of counterplay. If a Bebop is going the double bomb build, they have a massive gap in power early-mid game when they're rushing Echo Shard, and they need to land hook or have ally setup to deal any damage at all to you. Comparing this to any other hero in the game, they all at least have some kind of neutral tool that lets them deal spirit damage at range or provide some team utility.

Bebop's neutral game revolves around the THREAT of his hook, not the actual usage of it. As long as you deny him long angles then he won't be able to make actually valuable picks, since his hook is significantly less powerful when you're fighting him on your own, favorable terms. This game is built around having a lot of vision and LOS blockers, so you can definitely find fight locations that force Bebop to get into close range and not just hook you from the safety of his team.

Speaking of fighting in specific locations, that's the counter to an ult-centric Bebop build other than stuns. Bebop is particularly strong in large, open funnels or an open area where the enemies HAVE to stay such as midobss or your own base. These two situations are where Bebop ult is undeniably "busted", but in any other place, it's very possible to coordinate fights or drag fights over to areas where Bebop has to choose between repositioning or holding his ult in hopes that you're forced back to his area of coverage. There's no doubt that the ultimate is very strong under the right conditions (as all ultimates are), but I think these conditions have lots of realistic macro counterplay.

As for itemization, double bomb Bebop's entire damage output is invalidated by a 3000 Vitality item. Against ult bebop, there are two ways to approach him depending on if he's in the air or on the ground. If he's ulting from the ground, you usually don't even need a stun, you just need to drag the fight somewhere else. If he's ulting from the air, throw a curse on him from an angle where he's not currently looking. There is no way in hell anyone could reactively Unstoppable that.
he hooks you , then press this item, he just waits there with a team. What a nice counterplay (no)
The point is specifically to prevent the bomb from taking over 1k of your HP. You get hooked, get bombed, run away, pop it before you explode, cancel it, continue running.
The funny thing is I find gunBop worse than Bombop. The hook into instanntly melting your hp instantly with his primary fire is more frustrating than him 2x bombing you...
he hooks you , then press this item, he just waits there with a team. What a nice counterplay (no)
Exactly as morphing said. Use it after he bombed you. If you are solo pushing a lane without checking up on your teammates being able to help you out from the the other lanes when you get ganked then you die no matter what. Nothing can help you there, but Bebop is really easy to counter, you can also just use "Debuff remover" and try to run from there.

Also Weapon Bebop is a thing people build, and it's scary.
Gun Bebop supremacy, bomb build only works at noob lvl because people refuse to buy active items and while it's funny to get ult to 700-1k dps you're kinda useless between cds, on the other hand gun is always useful and thanks to hook you get 100% value of the most broken item combo in the game - bullet resist shredder and hunter's aura. That's not to mention 2 of his skills buffing gun dmg.