Mystic Shot's falloff does not match when abilities change falloff (Kinetic Carbine)


New member
In the latest patch, Mystic Shot has been changed to scale down with weapon falloff, which is understandable. However, there is one edge case where a bullet can have no falloff but Mystic Shot still has the old falloff. Paradox's 3, Kinetic Carbine, empowers her next shot to have no falloff, deal extra damage, and converts its damage to spirit damage. The bullet does the same damage regardless of range, but Mystic Shot still scales down the further away the target it is. Mystic Shot was a core item for Paradox before the patch as it's what enables her poke playstyle (the only effective playstyle until late game) but now she's suffering very hard with this bug.

Point blank does 149 total damage with Mystic Shot:
1726195105216.pngWhile from further away, Mystic Shot deals almost no bonus damage.
For reference, without Mystic Shot it deals 67 damage regardless of range (I tested to be sure).