Mystic Reverb will proc twice if the reverb proc is lethal


New member
I've noticed some inconsistent behavior with Mystic Reverb. If a mystic reverb proc is lethal to the primary target, the reverb damage seems to be 80% instead of 40% -- it seems like mystic reverb is proccing twice.

You can test this by checking the damage values for mystic reverb on a super high HP target, and then checking the damage value on reverb if the reverb tick is a lethal blow. If reverb did not cause an AoE around the proc, this would be irrelevant, since you'd be dead anyway, but the double damage proc actually does hit heroes in the AoE for 2x the expected damage.

Please let me know if this is expected behavior, but this seems like a bug?
I think this might be caused by reverb procing on death. Reverb procs when the target dies with the reverb mark. But when reverb is the lethal blow, reverb procs again on target death, dealing double damage.