My crack at a T4 Vitality Reviving item


New member
Actually been sitting on this idea for a bit but never posted it. Obviously inspired by the removal of Soul Rebirth a while back. Balancing this very similarly too Refresher but with even more strict conditions and cost (both souls and otherwise). Before I go into more detail here is the raw item

Revival Ritual
6000 Cost Vitality Item, Requires Healing Nova

+Your Healing Effectiveness now scales with Spirit power.
+300 Bonus Health
+15% Healing Effectiveness
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+12 Spirit Power

Active (260s):
Target a recently dead ally (as long as there is a soul orb above their body) within 2m, Channel (cannot cancel) for 7 seconds to revive them. While channeling you will emit a beacon of light, a loud noise, and sacrifice HP (base 50% HP, scales with healing in both ways) that will be granted to your revived teammate with a .25 multiplier (granted HP is based on the raw HP sacrificed not a percentage of the target's Max HP). if you die within 5 seconds of channeling ally is not revived, if you die in the last 2 seconds ally will be revived but only with as much HP as you were able to sacrifice. Afterwards you and your target will suffer from a 75% healing reduction effect for 10s. You cannot activate this item if you are below 50% HP or under any sort of healing reduction.

So big thing I wanted to avoid was mindlessly reviving a Teammate in front of all the enemies for both frustration factor and what Soul Rebirth taught us with a counter-counter-push. I also contemplated adding Rescue Beam to the dependency chain to help curb any attempts to make a revive bot team but I think the longest cooldown ever already does that. Making a lot of the aspects of the Revive scale to the caster and not the target downplays a lower value player just buying this to support the carry on their team, and instead to make this a defacto capstone to any healer build by also giving this a irreplaceable passive. My ideal playstyle with this item is to revive someone who died initiating a fight who is now in the backline while the rest of your team pushes the enemies further back. It would also work very well in base defense for a losing team since while the enemies focus on shrines and patron, you can revive a teammate who tried to stop them and retreat into base.
I'll be honest, it feels like there are SO MANY conditions going on here that it makes the item unwieldy. You basically have to be out of the fight entirely to use it, which makes it mostly useless.

I think it's probably for the best to just recognize that resurrection items just aren't ever going to be viable in a non-consumable state (And even making it a consumable is iffy).

As a hero ability that their kit can revolve around, that would be a different story. As an item it is too hard to balance.
I've decided to give the item concept some thought and here's an idea that I think might work for the item.

Name: Soul Coin
Type: Colorless (It can only be placed in a flex slot)
Cost: 3000 souls
No additional stats, but Colorless items give all 3 basic benefits of Vitality, Weapon, and Spirit items of the Tier lower. In this case, that would mean +8 Spirit, +10% weapon damage, and +14% base health.

When you die, this item is destroyed and you are returned to life at the same spot 5 seconds later. An animation will show that you are resurrecting at the spot it occurs.

Unlike other items, the Soul Coin cannot be purchased at the normal shop. It can only be picked up after the Soul Urn has been turned in. A special shop appears where the Soul Urn is turned in 2 minutes after it is turned in where 1 can be purchased before the shop closes down until another Soul Urn is turned in. Anyone can purchase the coin, regardless of which team turned in the Urn, though obviously there is a rather significant advantage for a team that gets the favored turn in on their side.

This is the best I can think of to control an item like this. It is pretty restrictive in that it can only be in a Flex slot and only 1 can come around every 5 minutes or so (and that's if the urn even gets turned in). Add to that it is effectively a pretty big loss of 3k souls if you do have to use it and I think it would be something that could work.