My account has been banned, I need help!

I’m sorry but you’ve been properly banned, read the first line.

Also most of the accounts banned from the chinese server are strangely similar and types almost the same way
We are looking into all the similar reports to this atm
Dear Valve Developers

I am a player from the Chinese community. My account code is 207060073. I am writing to request the lifting of the ban on my account.

I received a recommendation from a large and reputable community to join and participate in your games. I am an independent player and have no association with any cheaters or dishonest activities. I am particularly interested in participating in the testing of Deadlock, a game that I find extremely intriguing and exciting.
Should be fixed now
Dear Valve Developers
I am playing every day this game and enjoyed so much to play Deadlock, but i was not understand what i wrote to some new players so i understand that i was wrong and will never do that in future, so i am writing to request the lifting of the ban on my account cause that reason. I do not wanna say this words anymore and i do not respect that. Nickname - Tas