Multiple new bugs after recent update


New member
So far since the latest update (9/12) I (and some of my friends) have started experiencing:
- Delay on secure/deny souls despite low ping (only about .3 seconds but still noticeable)
- Crates + Idols show debris after break only about half the time
- Withering Whip (haven't checked every active yet) doesn't gray out or show cooldown after use as though it's still available
- Occasional crazy stuttering and lag in big team fights (I used to see it every couple matches about 2 months ago, but was fixed after an update)
- Urn is shown about 50 meters from my character portrait on my map when I am the carrier, but will appear fine on mine when other characters are delivering
- Sandbox soul secure timer is incorrect, got 266ms 5 times in a row and 82ms when I tested a heavy delay on the shot
- Random keybinds move themselves to mouse3

--- Creep pod hovers below the rail instead of attached to the actual line
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I'd echo that, this version of the client seems to have many regressions... also noticed on my client that now the creep rail pod is not attached to the rail anymore ? is that a bug or a feature, it looks so weird.

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