Multiple accessviolation crashes per game.


New member
I literally crash for no reason at all over and over. The dump files all have names with Accessviolation on them.

PC Spec: RTX 4090 w/ 14700K 64 gb ram.

First 3 games I open the side-shop for the first time: crash immediately but doesn't happen again after in that match.
One game I laned vs Abraham and as soon as I get hit by his charge I have a 50% of crashing.
Press Q while playing Seven in a team fight with lots of players? Crash.
Try to rejoin a game? crash 1-3 times before I can get in.

Every single time the game just closes on itself without showing any errors. Event viewer doesn't show anything which is weird.
I tried running vulkan and got a blue screen right away when loading the game.
I even changed from win10 to 11 since a few people suggested it would fix the issue but the crashes are all the same.

I've played a total of 8 games and will crash a minimum of 3-4 times per game, tried one mm game without bots and it seemed to be even more frequent.

Anyone ran into this issue?
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based on the crash dumps it looks like a video card fault but it may actually be a CPU fault, this reddit thread I found seems to line up with at least one of the crash dumps I looked at and may be helpful for the other:

to be specific I looked at user raimo.runki.pettersson crash dump and found this fault: NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_c0000005_nvgpucomp64.dll!Unknown

as for boulosmk I found the error:

both point to a possible issue with CPU, I can make some assumptions that you are running Intel based CPU's. Now if this is true maybe a quick and dirty fix would be disabling hyperthreading? Another quick trick could be to remove C-states, I have had issues with an Intel CPU that was only stabilized after I removed the ability of the CPU from downclocking itself AKA C-states. Means the CPU eats more power even at idle but maybe fixes the issue?

The setting can be changed in the BIOS and that link to reddit above has some information on how to change those settings to a degree.