Game Crashes Every Match


New member
The game crashes after random periods of time in a match. I haven't been able to try playing a normal match but have tried spectating and bot matches. They all crash between 5min to 30min. I had one game I was spectating finish to the end. It doesn't give me any error codes or messages to go off of, unfortunately.

I've attached my crash dumps from today. I hope that helps!


Update: I played one public match and did not crash. So it seems, for now, that it's spectating and bot matches. I'll report back if I start getting crashes during actual games.
Another another update: I finally got a crash in a game with other players. It happened right at the beginning of the match after characters were locked and we were traveling on the ziplines to the front of our lanes. I was able to restart the client and rejoin the game and play to completion after that.

I've attached the crash from that match:


Hopefully last update:

I was getting crashes so frequently and it was also starting to happen with other games (Space Marine 2, Half Sword, etc). So I committed a whole day to trying to fix this. I rolled back drivers, uninstalled AMD Adrenaline and reinstalled just the GPU and chipset drivers, all to no avail.

What finally seems to have fixed it is this: I ran a DDU, reinstalled windows, installed AMD Adrenaline, installed GPU/Chipset drivers, and then ONLY had one monitor hooked up. I haven't had a single crash since. So I'm guessing it's something with the latest AMD drivers and multiple monitors. I also tried switching out both display port cables with new ones before trying just one monitor to eliminate the probability that it was the cables.

Hopefully this helps others with AMD CPUs and GPUs :)
I too have had multiple crashes since last patch. Usually when there's lots happening visually. It never crashed before, but sometimes in the same situation it would get broken sound and very laggy.