Ms. FRANKENSTEIN (tanky healer)


New member
Character Concept:
A Frankenstein's monster who has kept herself alive with organ "donations" since the passing of her creator. Covered in stiches. Wears a white doctor's coat.

Nearly unkillable healer who steals enemy stats.

A needle shotgun. Secondary fire allows you to tether yourself to a teammate, boosting their health regen (a la the tf2 medic). The increased regen is based on your weapon damage. Shooting your gun interrupts the tether, but your melee attacks and abilities do not.

Ability 1 ("HARVEST"):
Dislodge your arm and slash in an area around you. Counts as a light melee attack. Temporarily steals max HP and movement speed from enemy heroes hit. Stacks. Short cooldown.
Melee attacks temporarily steal max HP from heroes. The amount stolen depends on the damage dealt. This also stacks.

Launch your vital organs out in a cone infront of you, silencing and knocking back any enemies hit.

Send your arms out to perform surgery on an ally (or yourself). You become disarmed, and the target gains a LOT of health regen. Your first ability (Harvest) will cast from whomever your performing surgery on, instead of from you.

This triggers when you would normally die. Instead of dying, your head falls off and you return to 50% current max HP, allowing you to stay in the fight. Once triggered, this ability goes on cooldown, and while on cooldown you die normally. If your respawn timer counts down to zero while your still "alive", your head returns to your body and you immediately return to full health.
The enemies who killed you still get the reward for killing you the first time even if this passive is triggered. Killing you in headless mode doesn't grant any souls.
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The theme is wonderful, but I think there's a lot of room to push the design here to make this character really fit with the theme of an unstoppable healer (although conceptually, I personally would prefer her to be a straight up monster tank).

What's going really well for this concept, I think, is the synergy between the #1 and #3 ability; but I don't like that you have to disarm yourself to pull this off. The #1 is really good, but there's a question in my mind if it's a true melee or not, or if it should be. I like the idea that it is, if it has a fast animation wind-up, which adds more room for counterplay and opens the way for your other team mates to throw in their melee if you can bait out the parries.

#1 has a good effect here, stealing max health. Life steal probably shouldn't be based on melee damage here--improving melee damage is already incentived enough. Thematically, instead of removing an arm and swinging that out, she should probably have something more like an artifact that steals life similar to Undying's Soul Rip so that she doesn't need to be punished by disarming herself for casting #3.

#2 I don't really care for. I don't think it adds a lot to the character and it feels too straightforward in its usage. #4 is interesting, but I'm not seeing what mechanism is in play to reward the player for staying alive until their death count is up any more than the ability already provides. Maybe her ability cooldown gets refunded? There are a lot of ways you could go with that.