Movement item idea: Mystic Skates


New member
Tier 3 or 4 Spirit item
+10 Spirit
+1m/s Walk speed
+1m/s Sprint
Decrease friction during sliding by 50% (I don't know the math, but just being able to go 50% farther)

Start skating with full sprint velocity while keeping momentum without having to continuously input a direction.
Can dash and jump while item is active. Cancel by pressing item keybind a second time.
(My idea for skate controls would be something close to air strafing or rather closer to Viscous ULT without the bounciness).

Duration 10s
Cooldown 30s (starts when active duration is over/cancelled)

Point is you get to maintain full momentum while being able to take any other action and can be combined with other movement such as jumping and dashing.
Sliding doesn't interrupt the active effect so the user gets to make use of sliding infinite ammo and juking in general.
You already have melee charge on orange items, that gives you better sliding and reload on hit. Those movement items can become a bail out card during chase, nothing good coming out of them for sure.
Remove the Friction/sliding distance (we already have that in game) since its way too much. And reduce the duration to 6-7 seconds.
The idea of using an active items to instantly start sprint speed is nice, if it has some animation to it like a Spirit skateboard or similar even better.

Would be interesting for ganking, hit and run tactics. Chasing enemies and getting out of a situation when you still have control over the engagement.
I like the concept.