Mouse 3 Ping through walls and behind you

For some reason, you can seemingly target everything in a straight line in front of and behind you that has a specific ping. It seems like the range is infinite? Its quite hard to do since you have to be looking directly at it, but it doesn't seem to take into account line of sight.
I can sort of see the idea of this being intentional in the way of pinging where you just saw someone, but its very odd that you can ping behind you, and since it seems like you have to be looking directly at the pingable entity I don't think its intentional.

Video 1: me pinging a bebop behind me through a building (Note the pinged bebop in the bottom right of the map)
View attachment Deadlock bug ping behind.mp4

Video 2: me pinging Blue and Purple walkers through walls.
View attachment Deadlock bug ping through walls.mp4