Mostly Movement, Spirit gimmicks and Weapon Type focused items

Basic Vault (Orange Item)
- 500 Souls
- 24s Cooldown
- 8m Cast Range
- Jumps over a target enemy, lunging over the target's head at the speed of a dash-jump. (A decent amount slower than Lash's Grapple).
- +85 Bullet Shield
- 15% Weapon Damage

Force Booster (Green Item)
- 1200 Souls
- 20s Cooldown
- +8% to Spirit Resist
- +75 to Max Health
- Active: Current movement vector will be amplified by 2.3x on activation.
- Gives a very short (0.1s) resistance to sources of slowdown like after a long punch, friction, etc on active.
- If current speed is below move speed (Not sprint speed), gives you a short dash-boost until you reach walking speed first.
Maybe grants instant sprint speed?

Spike-Treaded Boots (Orange Item)
1200 Souls
12s Cooldown
- +12% Weapon Damage
- +3 Ammo
- Condition: +20% Weapon Damage while Perching.
- Automatic Active: Perch
- You can perch on a wall (Stand still and hold on to it) even if its a flat surface with no ledge.
- Additionally you can then jump away from the perched wall, at around dash speed.
Might work with crouch animation or modified crouch animation?
Perch on a wall by being midair, close to it, holding a movement key towarding and then pressing crouch. Or by falling onto it for half a second? Whichever playtests best.

Duality (Purple Item)
3000 Souls
- +12 Spirit
- Imbues a skill with 2x spirit multiplier
-50% to Duration
-50% to Reach
-25% to Damage
+15% Increased Cooldown (Nerf)
- Does not work on any spirit multiplier that is below 0.8x.

Spiritual Usury (Purple Item)
- 3000 Souls
- Imbues a skill with 80(?) Spirit. ALL your skills may no longer gain spirits from any other source than this item.
(Only applies the added spirit to a single skill, leaving your other skills with no spirit at all.)

Makes for an interesting choice between a specific skill, or your ult for a lot heroes.
If it's too weak balance-wise, can remove a downside either from chosen skills or other skills? Or just increase the spirit to an even better number.

Restructured Weapon (Orange Item)
6500 Souls
- +20% Firerate
- +30% Ammo
- Changes the gun's firing type and base ammo count to that of another hero.
(Change Pocket's gun to Wraith's for example.)
For animation work: Maybe just add the arms of the character that originally owns the weapon as a ghost, as well as the weapon? Like spooky ghost hands that shoot for the character. So for example abrams with wraith's gun would just summon wraith's arms and her gun, holding it in front of abrams with a green tinge + glow and 70% opacity, firing that gun instead of abrams's gun.

False Defense (Green Item)
- 1200 Souls
- +150 to Maximum Health
- Your Bullet and Spirit Resistance is always set to 18%.
- Your Bullet resistance and Spirit Resistance cannot be modified by ANY source, and cannot be more or less than 18%.

Intent: Aggressive rush item combined with weapon damage items, or as a cope item for when you lose very hard and enemy has a lot of shred.
Counters Hunter's Aura

Moonwalker (Green Item)
-1200 Souls
- +2m/s Sprint Speed
- Passive: 15% less time taken to gain Sprint
- Active:
- Gain +100% Air Strafe Control (Does not stack with other sources so holiday doesn't become silly),
- Gain +75% faster movement speed acceleration (Not max speed, but acceleration specifically) for 8 Seconds

Maybe: 30% of Sprint speed is not lost from taking damage.
If too strong: Disable dashes during duration

Intent: Movement acceleration isn't quite fast enough to strafe around skillshots and to make getting shot difficult by sidestrafing. So with this you can jump around and juke like mad without relying on dashes.

Explosive Mortar (Weapon Item)
3000 Souls
+15% Weapon Damage
+2 Ammo
Changes your bullet type to a slow moving projectile that flies in an arc (Demoman pipes from tf2)
When your bullets hit an enemy, they explode dealing aoe damage.
Bullets that hit an enemy apply knockback, shooting them away from the source of the explosion.
Base Damage becomes 15
Fire rate and ammo count is adjusted to new weapon

Balance In All Things (Purple? Item)
500 Souls
+1% Firerate
+1% Weapon Damage
+1 Ammo
+1% Ammo
+1% Bullet Lifesteal
+1% Spirit Lifesteal
+1 Bullet Shield
+1 Spirit Shield
+1 Spirit Power
+1% Weapon Damage to NPCs
+1 Bonus Health
+1 Health Regen
+1% Bullet Resist
+1% Spirit Resist
-1% Reload Time
+1% Slide Distance
+1m/s Sprint Speed
+1m/s Move Speed
+1% Cooldown Reduction
+1% Stamina Recovery
+1% Melee Damage
+1% Air Jump / Dash Distance
+1% Debuff Resistance
+1% Ability Duration
+1% Ability Range
+1% Cooldown Reduction
+1% Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities
(Maybe 2% if it's too weak)