More Vitality Items


New member
I feel like we could use more Vitality items, especially in Tier 4, so here's a couple ideas I'd like to offer up.

Soul Harvest - T1
+30 Bonus Health
+15% Bullet Velocity

Passive (3s CD)
Securing or Denying a Soul instantly restores a small amount of Health to you and nearby allies.
10 Health Restored​
10m Radius​

This is meant to give another source of sustain in-lane as well as rewarding claiming souls a bit more.

Barrier Booster - T1
+50 Bullet Shield Health
+50 Spirit Shield Health
+10% Shield Health

This is meant to grant a small boost to all-around poke-damage resistance in the laning phase.

Shield Battery - T3
(Components: Barrier Booster)
+100 Bullet Shield Health
+100 Spirit Shield Health
-25% Shield Recharge Rate
+20% Shield Health

Active (80s CD)
Instantly fully restore your Bullet and Spirit Shields.

Shields recharge sooner and can absorb more damage, and you can activate this item to instantly regain all Shields in a pinch.

Last Stand - T3
+100 Bonus Health
+2 Health Regen
+10% Weapon Damage

Active (120s CD)
Instantly gain total Bullet and Spirit Resist equal to your current missing Health.
4s Duration​

Activate when low on Health for a significant boost in durability. This overrides all other sources of Bullet or Spirit Resist rather than stacking with them.
The way the math works out, this effectively grants the user a full healthbar worth of damage absorption.

Cheat Death - T4
(Components: Last Stand)
+200 Bonus Health
+5 Health Regen
+10% Weapon Damage

Passive (120s CD)
Upon taking Fatal Damage, become briefly Unkillable.
Unkillable (Status Effect)​
4s Duration​

A stronger, more reliable version of Last Stand. While Unkillable, your health cannot be reduced below 1.

Omni Shield - T4
(Components: Enchanter's Barrier OR Combat Barrier)
+400 Bullet Shield Health
+400 Spirit Shield Health
+8% Fire Rate
+8% Cooldown Reduction
-25% Shield Recharge Delay

While you have a Bullet Shield, gain bonus Weapon Damage.
While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power.
30% Weapon Damage while Shielded​
+25 Spirit Power while Shielded​

This item merges Enchanter's Barrier and Combat Barrier into a single T4 Item. You only need one of the component items -- if you have both, one will be refunded upon purchasing Omni Shield. As they are both components, you cannot purchase either once you have purchased Omni Shield.

Overblock - T4
+400 Bonus Health

You cannot take more than 25% of your maximum Health in damage from a single instance of damage.

This is meant to offer a counter to high-burst damage abilities in the late game that can often take over half of some Heroes' health in a single hit.
This item will probably be preferable on squishier Heroes versus tanky ones, as the damage clamp is based on a percentage of max health. Stacking Bonus Health with this item would be anti-synergistic, and stacking Resistance would not synergize because the clamp would be applied after Resistance calculations. Lifesteal will still synergize well, as you should now have more time to benefit from Lifesteal before getting blown up.
Any significant sustained damage will render this item virtually useless, however. It's fairly niche.

Adaptive Resistance - T4
+5% Bullet Resist
+5% Spirit Resist

Gain temporary Bullet Resist when taking Weapon Damage and Spirit Resist when taking Spirit Damage
2% Bullet Resist​
5% Spirit Resist​
0.5s Max Frequency​
30% Max Bonus Resistance​
10s Duration​

Basically, ya get used to it. Taking damage makes you take less damage of that type. This would pair well with beefier heroes who can expect to be taking a lot of aggro.
The ideal way to use this would be to let enemies poke you to stack it up, then go in. If you go in too soon, you won't get the full value out of this item.

That's all I've got for now. Let me know what y'all think.
Two things I would like to note, one a clarification and one an alternative idea for one of the items if you allow.

First the clarification:
With Last Stand, do you mean that the resist scales off of flat health missing or health percentages? Cause that would change, who benefits from this (percentage=low health heroes, flat health = high health heroes)

For the alternative item:
When reading Omni Shield I had to think of a different game, where an upgrade of that name turns most health to shields. So in theory you could also make it an item that sets your health to 1, but gives you bullet and spirit shield equal to the max health you would have had (so if you take balanced damage, it is about equal to double health). Question would be then on what to do with healing.
First the clarification:
With Last Stand, do you mean that the resist scales off of flat health missing or health percentages? Cause that would change, who benefits from this (percentage=low health heroes, flat health = high health heroes)
Last Stand would scale off missing-Health as a percent. So if you're at 20% health, you'd gain 80% Resistance.
Also, this would actually still benefit higher health heroes more than lower health ones. The way the math works out, no matter what health you're at, this effectively amounts to refilling your healthbar as far as damage absorption goes. At 80% Resist, enemies would be dealing only 20% damage to you, which means they'd need to deal 5 times as much damage to match how much they would be doing without the mitigation. That means that they'd need to deal damage equal to 100% of your maximum health in order to burn down that last 20%.
This math works out for any health percentage you use the item at.
This means stacking health would net you much more value out of this item than not, especially since Last Stand overrides other Resistances, thereby essentially just giving you a full healthbar with no resistances worth of damage absorption.
When reading Omni Shield I had to think of a different game, where an upgrade of that name turns most health to shields.
Oh yeah, I forgot Nova Drift had that perk.