More melee item please

Melee Combatant 500 Weapon
+25% melee damage against NPC
+15% melee damage against heroes
+5% bullet resist
Killing a unit with melee grants you small increased bullet resist and small amount of bullet shield for a short period of time.
15% bullet resist and 50 bullet shield that lasts for 3.5 second.

Bull Rush 4250 Weapon
Passive: Decreases heavy charged melee attack build up time by 35%
+ 25% melee damage
+150 bonus health
Active: Charges toward a character within 10m and lock both character's movement in place until one or both of them starts a charged heavy melee attack. Both cannot parry, in this state. Lock lasts for 1.5 sec or until heavy melee is used. Range 7 m

Spirit Smack
3250 (requires a component of Spirit Strike) Spirit
+160 spirit shield health
+2 health regen
+25% melee damage
Passive: When you perform a light or heavy melee strike against a hero, deal extra spirit damage to all units nearby to the target attacked and reduce all and nearby target's spirit resist. Damage is stronger if landed a heavy melee strike.
(80 or (160 if heavy) spirit damage -16% spirit damage resist)