Monster Rounds, but for spirit


New member
Something along the lines of

Soul Cage
cost: 500
spirit shield +40
spirit damage vs monsters +25%
passive: unsecured souls on your person are secured at twice the rate.

Ultimately you could play with the numbers of cost or damage or shields, replace whole modifiers, whatever. I just think it would be nice to have a cheaper economy item to pick up when your main method of farming isn't your gun, without needing the kind of heavy investment it would take to get there from mid to late game spirit power items. At least so you can hit those break points earlier that let you clear trooper waves or jungle camps in one fewer casts instead of leaving them at sub 20% life and needing to awkwardly run around manually shooting or punching to clean up.

The passive just seemed like a unique soft bonus in line with the economy item theme, if you're sprinting around blowing up camps you wind up with a lot of unsecured souls and that can sometimes make it difficult to commit to helping a teammate when you would rather keep your enormous hip jug safe. This would alleviate that somewhat, but it also isn't a vital function so you could sell this item worry free for a better spirit item later on, which i think is also the mark of a good economy item.
we already have many heroes that can farm really fast with their spells. i don't think it's wise to give them a bigger advantage
I don't think anybody would actually buy this item. Most of the farm heavy heroes already love monster rounds, especially since it also buffs your pushing power against candles and objectives. I don't think even seven would want that item.
So your basic 200 damage spammable ability will turn into 250 damage which is good on its own. While souls secured is obviously broken.
Also you have spirit damage reduction to achieve same effect for more gold without unsecured aspect.