
Hey, this is a silly little hero concept I made. We don't have the monk hero yet so I'd figure why not give this a shot. This is Monkfish, a reincarnated monk in the body of a mutated fish (an accident) without his consent, thus sparking his crusade to permanently separate their world from the spirit world. I based his design as a mix of the main character of Kung-Fu Hustle with the two assassins who plays the guitar thingy
His weapon is the Gunchuck, where he would spin it, and like the master monk that he is, fire precisely when the barrel of the Gunchuck is facing forward.
-His first ability is basically a melee attack but uses spirit damage. It can have multiple charges, and when he cast it, it puts him in a special stance where each subsequent cast of this ability, the spirit scaling increases each time. In a nutshell this is a melee attack string ability.
-His second ability is the one inch punch, it has an extremely short range, where he just punch someone hard and sends them flying, and if they hit anything, they get stunned.
-His third ability is a parry channeling ability, he flails around his gunchuck, redirecting bullet shot at him in the direction of his crosshair.
-His ultimate summons a gigantic golden palm that smacks all enemies that it hits. The casting of this ability is 2 steps, first one is picking a landing location, then you can move around your mouse or the character around to change the pivot point, changing the direction the palm is summoned from. When an enemy is hit, their spirit/soul is separated from the body, launching them about 3m. The body is stunned and stay stunned until the spirit returns to the body. The player that got hit by the palm controls the spirit, not the body, and they have to move and reach back their body. The spirit can use all the movement options, but they cant attack, abilities or items. The Spirit takes reduce damage from bullets but take more spirit damage while the body is the opposite.
That's it I guess. Let me know what you guys think!
I also posted this on reddit here!