Mo & Krill are sometimes not getting Combo stacks when enemies die within it since last patch


Active member
Match ID: 193,730
Approx. Times: 7:30, 15:20, and 26:10

Just played a game as Mo & Krill and there were about three or four times I should have gotten a stack with Combo but didn't. In every instance the enemy died while being stunned and Combo went on cooldown, but the new stack counter never incremented. Two of the times I used Combo right before they died but they never got stunned and it went on cooldown anyway.

I ended the game with only a single stack on Combo despite having four or five total kills with it.
Noticed this myself, here's a clip of it ocurring in a game:

It seems to be very rare that you actually get any stacks, at first I thought it wasn't taking into account any duration extenders, so if they died after the default duration but still within the combo then you wouldn't get it, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I'd say I only get bonus HP 1 in 5 times.
That clip is pretty cut-and-dry bugged. And yeah, that target died well before any duration extenders / AP upgrades should've mattered.