New member
Match ID: 25818472
Explanation: Was just playing some Mo & Krill with some of my friends, when I suddenly get into a bad situation. Infernus is about to ult on me, and people are surrounding me, so I start to try and burrow back to base. Suddenly... This happens. In my 100+ hours of this game I've never seen this, like, ever. Hell I've never seen anyone ELSE talk about it. I have no idea what specifically caused it to be completely honest. Completely hung my entire PC as well for some reason and had to do a restart. Took the picture from my phone since I couldn't get a clip/screenshot of the game. Very weird bug. valveplsfix

Explanation: Was just playing some Mo & Krill with some of my friends, when I suddenly get into a bad situation. Infernus is about to ult on me, and people are surrounding me, so I start to try and burrow back to base. Suddenly... This happens. In my 100+ hours of this game I've never seen this, like, ever. Hell I've never seen anyone ELSE talk about it. I have no idea what specifically caused it to be completely honest. Completely hung my entire PC as well for some reason and had to do a restart. Took the picture from my phone since I couldn't get a clip/screenshot of the game. Very weird bug. valveplsfix