Missing crosshair, ammo, and cooldown indicators after death + animation bug


New member
match id: 742094
team: Amber
player: MORTAL.WOMBAT / Yamato

Bug occurence: first death 10:52, respawn 11:14
Bug Resolution: death at 16:04

After I respawned I noticed that the crosshair and ammo indicators were gone, and yamato was carrying her sword in her hand. when i tried to shoot, visually, she would swing the sword.

From the UI, it looked like my abilities are locked/disabled, however when I tried to use one in a fight it went off i think, and the replay confirms that I was actually using the abilities.

A few minutes later I figured out that despite the buggy visuals, i would still actually shoot bullets, so i tried to play. the issue persisted after the first death, but resolved after the second one.

It resolved after my 2nd death at 16:04, from where I could play normally again.

From the replay, one cannot tell that the bug occurred, UI looks normal there, and it just looks like im randomly pressing my buttons (which i was, thinking i toggled on some melee only mode).

However I did take 2 screens to document the bug:

Yamato with sword in hand, no crosshair, no ammo, no abilities

A few minutes later, after i used ult and died: i could see the cd number, but not the visual. also still no crosshair or ammo indicators.
